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Different colors for enherited parameters


Maybe it's just me and my crappy eyes after a day composing, but when you have parameters that are enherited from the previous figure there's only a slightly less satured green, and it's easy to overlook.


Maybe a different color, like pink for enherited and green for when you have adjusted the value in the active figure?

Sa., 11.05.2013 - 13:48 Permalink

Light green and dark green for actually set parameters and inherited parameters seems more intuitive to me than different colors. You'll certainly get used to it soon. 


Sa., 11.05.2013 - 14:03 Permalink

Maybe a lighter green and darker green then, because I can hardly see the difference, esp on a large 30"+ screen because of the viewing angle with large screens + multiple monitors it gets even worse with the side monitors


Try to look from top or below on TFT screens and you'll see the colors wash out and the difference in hue is very small.

Sa., 11.05.2013 - 16:35 Permalink

Maybe in a (not too distant) future there will be a possibility to configure important aspects of coloration beyond selection of a predefined color scheme...

I can easily imagine this being on Cognitone's agenda for improving Synfire's GUI.

Sa., 11.05.2013 - 17:18 Permalink

I'm brand new to Synfire Pro and still trying to understand how to drag parameters into the containers in my composition. I know I saw this covered somewhere in this forum. Can anyone point me to this information please?

Sa., 11.05.2013 - 17:34 Permalink

Do you see the column with parameter ( Tempo, Scheme .. ) there is division for this parameters column  for global and local.. with the green rectangles in Synfire Pro ?

You can drag a parameter slot op top of a container : you can say make a new dedicated chord container ..by adding a empty container and dragging the Harmony parameter on top of the empty container--> it wll be now filled with the chord progression.

You can reposition this chord container anywhere in the arrangement view  or add a second container with chord variations..experiment.  

I have asked several times for a video from Cognitone to explain about container basics ..but they don't have the time( it seems) to make one

Good luck.


Sa., 11.05.2013 - 18:04 Permalink

You can also control+drag parameters to copy them from one instrument in one container on top of another container and it will drop on the instrument in the second container, that way you don't need to first copy and then locate the instrument to paste on.


This is great for example if you have tweaked things like volume for one instrument in container A and you want to apply that to the same instrument in container B.


Works  for most parameters, normal drag moves the parameter, control+drag makes a copy.


EDIT: Oh yeah, almost forgot...


Don't forget you can also drag most parameters to a library, that way you can store common mix volume settings, controller settings, chord progressions etc..

Sa., 11.05.2013 - 18:15 Permalink

Agreed, the coloring system leaves much to be desired..  Except for the chord pallette, the colors should be assignable by the user. Different people are color blind to a certain degree and/or monitor are skewed so that it's sometimes hard to discern certain shades of color..


Since I'm not using Photoshop, or Illustrator, I sometimes select a different color proile on my mac, so the colors are more subdued on my Gateway 30 inch monitor.. A full screen of hard white, is exhausting.. I use a screen profile which renders the whites more manilla colored, cause I can tolorate it for long periods of time.


 I find it very hard to discern the color scheme that is used now..


Logic has 96 colors available to you, and they can be the colors of your choice.. now that is a color scheme worth emulating.  Furthermore, you can assign the colors as to what's cofortable to you. IMHO Everything but the chord pallete colors should be assignable. 

So., 12.05.2013 - 06:26 Permalink

A full screen of hard white, is exhausting..

Yeah, and it doesn't help that there seems to be a brightness war (Like the loudness war, only for monitors), every monitor I've installed in the last few years was painfully bright by default, I have to run the brightness and contrast around 10% to not get a headache.


Perhaps just a few more color schemes would be nice.