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Edit Area Blank Fairly Often



I'm noticing fairly often that the editing area is showing blank/empty when seemingly it should be showing the container data.

Consider this picture:


Container A, starting at m25 is selected.

The timeline in the edit area reflects that, but no Figure data is shown.

From this situation, I just keep "futzing around" and somehow, eventually, I wind up seeing data again.   

Q1.   Is there a specific reliable way (steps to perform) to get the data back?

Q2.   Could this be fixed so as not to occur?       

If user error seems to be the case, please advise.




Mo., 03.06.2024 - 16:19 Permalink

Also, the back-and-forth between showing one track of data and showing all tracks does not seem to be generally reliable.

A double-click on any track header should accomplish this, no?


Mo., 03.06.2024 - 20:34 Permalink

In this picture you  have selected the phrase editor of the Global Parameters, not of an Instrument. And at the global parameters you don't have stored a Figure (as can be seen from the parameter inspector). Therefore, I don't think that's a bug in this case.