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Expiriencies using GPO with Aria Plugin in SFP Audio Engine (Windows 7)


Loading a (not empty) Aria Plugin (e.g. GPO Ensemble) into SFP Audio Engine, according to my expiriences, takes several minutes or doesn't finish at all. The same plugin with the same GPO Ensemble loads pretty well and fast into Plogue Bidule or other DAWs.

In earlier versions of SFP the Aria Plugin loaded the ensemble delayed after the SFP Startup Screen disappeared (you can see the progress bars indicating the instruments being loaded). But now the whole process stucks.

Does anyone use GPO with Aria Engine (Windows 7) and has similar expiriences with it? Have you found something, that helps?

In the forum I have seen, that GPO is also used within Kontakt 2. I have tried a demoversion of Kontakt 5 and converted the GPO sfz-instrument files to nki files, but Kontakt 5 cannot load the GPO .audio sample files and I have not found a way to convert them to WAV, AIFF,...

Does anyone use GPO Instruments within Kontakt? Which version? How can GPO sample files be converted, so that they can be loaded into Kontakt? Does Kontakt 2 help? (I have not found a download for it)


Fr., 10.08.2012 - 09:47 Permalink

GPO has been based on Kontakt in earlier versions, before Garritan switched to the Aria engine. The newer Aria library may not convert to Kontakt format, although I have not tried. You need all key switches and velocity layers and possibly filters, so just converting the samples may not be enough.

Please check the console log of Synfire for error messages after loading.

Fr., 10.08.2012 - 10:14 Permalink

How about splitting your samples across 4 instances of ARIA? A single device description supports 4 ports, so no problems here. You would simply edit the A B C D port setting per sound and are done.  

Also this would reduce loading times per plug-in. After to many minutes of loading, Synfire may think the engine went bust and abort. 

Fr., 10.08.2012 - 13:19 Permalink

I've used the aria Gpo product in a drone although I only had 14 or so instruments loaded in Gpo. I loaded the Gpo vst in a drone as a private plugin and then loaded an ensemble, plus a couple of extra instruments. Haven't tried it as a shared rack item, but loading the project up in synfire then loading the ableton project (with the drone) works ok. Think that was a month or two ago, haven't tried it with the current build.

So., 12.08.2012 - 12:22 Permalink

I have done some further testing. Here are my results:

I have not been able to get a synfire log with an error, because it always gets stuck and can only be terminated using windows task manager. But I got an Aria Error log saying:


E:0x 410:1808:87916596:kVstBarsValid is set but its NOT RIGHT! Compensating, but NO time signatures changes can occur
E:0x 410:1808:87916596:in more details, sync->ppqPos:171.271 and sync->barStartPos:0
E:0x  10:1808:87916644: 8 ppq:   171.387 L:    0.1161 D:     171.387 bar:     0 (4/4) bpm:   120 play:1 loop:0 diff:0 sr:44100 sl: 2560 sp:0 ls:4.57594e-315 le:1.2732e-313


I retested the whole thing from scratch and found out:

  1. Starting Audio Engine with an empty Aria Plugin does work.
  2. Starting Audio Engine with Aria Plugin with only one instrument preset loaded (Full Strings KS) - stucks
  3. After terminating Synfire via Windows Taskmanager, Audio Engine keeps alive - and surprise: the preset is already loaded.
  4. Starting Synfire with the Aria Plugin already loaded works fine, because Synfire is recognizing, that it is already loaded.

So with one Aria Plugin you can get the whole thing work by starting, terminating and restarting synfire. Things get more complicated, when 2-3 Aria Plugins need to be loaded, because you need 2-3 more terminations and restarts until all plugins are loaded.

Of course, that's not really a solution to the problem. Buy maybe it helps, finding the problem.


The Cognitone Drone works fine - thanx for the hint ;-)

Mo., 13.08.2012 - 21:54 Permalink

On AriaEngine.com the newest Version was 1.111. (that was the one I had)

But I found newer versions on FinaleMusic.com. I have tried 1.128 and 1.500 - the look is different, but the problem remains the same...

Fr., 17.08.2012 - 10:09 Permalink

Currently I'm using the following steps to overcome the pitfalls of the problem in a convenient way (when I don't want to use a DAW with drones, which also works quite well):

  1. Delete the currentRack Setup File in the Synfire Rack Folder (even with "Starting Audio Engine on Startup" not selected, SFP trys to restore the current Rack Setup - so I have to delete the file)

  2. Start SFP, which works fast and very well without restoring a rack

  3. Go to Audio Engine and load the rack from Audio Engine (cograck File) - loading GPO Racks from Audio Engine works well and pretty fast.

  4. Connect Device Descriptions to loaded Rack in SFP.

There are a few manual steps to do, but they work and are easily done.

IMO SFP blocks something in the UI, that isn't blocked in the Audio Engine or DAWs, but is needed by Aria Engine Instrument Load to display the "Progress Bar Windows".

Fr., 17.08.2012 - 11:25 Permalink

Thank you for keep us posted.

IMO SFP blocks something in the UI, that isn't blocked in the Audio
Engine or DAWs, but is needed by Aria Engine Instrument Load to display
the "Progress Bar Windows".

Native Instruments plug-ins open a progress window too, which works fine. There may be an incompatibility with the ARIA user interface.

Di., 02.10.2012 - 02:44 Permalink

I have had very similar issues with the Garritan Aria plug-in and Windows 7. However, when I use the Garritan Aria plug-in with the Mac, I have had no problems at all.


The only difference I see is that on Windows Synfire is 1.6.2 build 2 and on the Mac Synfire is 1.6.2 build 4.


On the Mac I could also change the plug-in path for Synfire, on the PC I could not.


I hope we can use Garritan's Aria  in the future on Windows. I am lusting after the Garritan Pipe Organ!

Fr., 21.03.2014 - 00:42 Permalink

Although this is an old thread, I am experiencing the same problem and I do not think this problem has been resolved.

The basic problem is that I can't load any saved GPO patches when  using Synfire's internal engines without hanging the PC - which effectively means I can't use GPO4 with Synfire.


Using Win 7, 64 bit Engine


1. Load GPO4 into Synfire - ok

2. Load GPO4 simple patch - 1 instrument; all ok & plays ok

3. Save Synfire song (or Patch) - all ok

4. Try to open song (or patch) - Engine hangs


Have to force Synfire to close and engine is still hung-


I have the latest version of Garritan Aria player

Studio One saves and retrives the GPO VSTi patches fine

Standalone Aria saves & retrieves patches fine.

The Engine & Aria have administraive rights

The Plug in preset (.strip) files are saved and appear to be valid

I do not have this problem with any other VSTs


This seems to be a problem with the internal Synfire engines.





So., 23.03.2014 - 17:26 Permalink

According to my latest information, chances are this issue was addressed by the Aria Engine developers. They seem to be about to publish an update anytime soon. If you have access to their betas, you may want to give it a try (ariaengine.com).


So., 23.03.2014 - 21:52 Permalink

Thank you you Andre - finally got it working after a very unpleasant 3 hours of going around in circles.

If you own GPO4 then remember this website - ariaengine.com - you will need it sometime in the future!


Basically, if you want to upgrade your version of Aria; this is the sort of saga you can go through;


  1. Log into you account at Garritan to upgrade
  2. Get routed to Make Music -
  3. Get routed to Time + Space (or wherever you bought it from
  4. Get routed back to Make music
  5. Somewhere find an update link for The Aria player - the latest is 1.620 which also comes with the 1.620 Engine
  6. Install it on PC - still does not work (can't load saved Synfire songs that include GPO4)
  7. Go to ariaengine.com - there is a later version of 1.670 for the engine - which tells you not to load it into previous versions than 1.670 of the Aria player (which isn't out yet!)
  8. Check the forum - who say you can' use it!
  9. Install it - and in my case it works!

 It is an absolute disgrace the way these companies treat their paying customers  and expect them to grovel just to have a working product. Bear in mind that I have been going through a similar mission with Kontakt which has  difficulty playing 2 sequential notes which apparently  "is a known issue (to them anyway) and will be resolved in a future issue...."

Anyway, enough of my rant!  


Thank you Andre for your prompt response (as always) and help in solving this (which was not a Synfire problem). 


Mi., 02.04.2014 - 20:47 Permalink

Well...... it worked for 1 day anyway.... the following day the same problem returned ....

So., 03.08.2014 - 18:56 Permalink

Downloaded latest version of Aria Player today (1.719 - and it seems to be working if any one else has the same problem I had (Synfire Engine would hang when trying to load saved GPO setups).

Fr., 28.10.2016 - 07:26 Permalink

Hello everybody!

I'm facing the same problem today.

Spent lot of time and used different procedures to overcome the Aria situation as described in the previous messages.

With EWQ Symphonic it works just fine without problem.

So, don't lose your time if you compose, just compose and use another VST.

