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Figure Repeating without Repeat -Bug?


Hello, please see attached screenshot, what else is supposed to cause a figure to repeat long after its completion and long after its container has ended and also the repeat function is off.


Is this a bug??

Fr., 16.01.2015 - 19:09 Permalink



Here is the structure view. Its very messy, as my first Synfire project I'm learning as I go and I also need to maintain some creative fluidity so I'm deliberately not reorganizing all proceedural inefficiencies as I proceed. See how the figure repeats even with repeat turned off and long after its container ends? This figure does not exist in any other container, this is not a snapshot.

Fr., 16.01.2015 - 19:38 Permalink

Thank you Janamdo for your help. I am aware of the repeat switch at the end of each instrument 'track' and that is off, maybe you are referring to something else? Anyhow, it turns out that my problem is a user error (as so many of  my problems are!!). It turns out that I didn't notice the percussion parent container to the right of the  the one currently highlighted in green. In side that closed parent container to the right is nother child container with the same figure. So this leads me to a request. I find the green highlight feature indespensible for knowing which figures are in which containers.


Could we have the following feature (I will repost in the features area):


Make it so that closed Parent containers turn light green or stripped green if one of the children inside is green.

Make it so that when clicking on a container, all of the active vectors for that container will highlight below and/or automatically open up and with all non-active vectors collapsiing or even better disapearing altogether.

Fr., 16.01.2015 - 19:48 Permalink

Do you see the > handle  ( ||  and above >? ) ..Pull on this to the right  and the repeating will disappear.
No..it seems be in a other container then the tibetbell phrase

You get a lightgray phrase in a container  placed on the rootcontainer  with a solid phrase, when you assigned a instrument track to the container

Fr., 16.01.2015 - 20:28 Permalink

Hi Onium , but is it not possible to set the yellow ruler at the second bar of the lichtgrey repeating phrase and choose the figure parameter in the vertical parameter column, then the green line in a container shows were the figure is.

When you find the original phrase... from the repeated lightgrey phrase? ..remove it.