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Figures vanish using horizontal scrollbar ..


first of all I want to thank you, this software is just amazing ! Great interface and countless composing possibilies !
I just encountered a small editing issue when I use the horizontal scrollbar for instance I move it to the right to see the next figures, if I want to come back to the initial position some figures on the left which where previously "out of the window" seem to have disappeared.
Although they are still somewhere the only way I found to find them back was to use the "perfect fit" zoom in/out button.
I probably missed something or maybe it has to do with my screen resolution ?
Thank you for your help.

Mo., 23.02.2009 - 13:55 Permalink

Hi Bruno! Thanks for your positive feedback.

The effect you describe happens with very long segments where the anchor is more than 2 whole notes beyond the current view bounds. The phrase editor does not look any further beyond this limit to find potential segments that reach into the view.

This is a performance optimization for very long figures, but that might not be necessary on modern hardware anymore. We could at least double or triple this limit. I put it on the list.
