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Finding the ideal working environment


When using SFP, I'm still contemplating the best way to document, keep track of parts, where they came from etc. 

I think I'd rather leave the Library intact.. You can quickly become with coglib files you create for each song..


First I started using phrases from different libraries, and then copying that phrase over to a new SONG library.  But I think I'd rather know where the phrase came from, and what other phrases may be in it, should I decide to rework the song later.


Would it be possible for SFP to save Project WITH ENVIRONMENT.  This would include all open libraries, phrases, chord progressions etc.  This would allow one to continue a song with the origins of the orignal componants.. To often I go to change sometime, and then can't remember exactly where I got the phrase from, there might be others there, I previously overlooked.  


Right now I'm taking pictures of my desktop to do this, effective but inelegant. 


How are others here dealing with this situation?

So., 14.10.2012 - 00:59 Permalink

I always do some kind of project documentation. A Word document where I write down what file has what meaning, which were the steps of progress, where did I take phrases from and how, which files I have finally used to assemble the piece, and so on. It's a bit laborious but it has helped me many times in these situations you have described.

So., 14.10.2012 - 01:39 Permalink

How many times, have I rescued an old project to fit a new purpose, unless you keep all the building blocks around, it's sometimes problematic to continue the process with a 'in the zone' feel. 

So., 14.10.2012 - 11:46 Permalink

It reminds me on Fruity loops where you can follow a tutorial in the arrangement  itself
This can be used for example also for explaining how a plugin can be working.  
Now is project information as a "notes" enclosed before you open a arrangement in Synfire


File>>about this file       --> gives information when the arrangement is not opened in SF...
                                                must be in the project 

                                               itself, with interactivity when you looking to the arrangement
                                              ( measure position) 

Better is to have a  Project notepad  after the arrangement is opened. ( is this already there in SF ?)
Fruity loops is a good example how this is done, because it not only text, but there is a sort of interactivty with the arrangement and text ( i must see it again in Fruity loops again, but is wasa helpful feature i remember ) 

So., 14.10.2012 - 13:02 Permalink

Have you tried the save with screen set option? Not sure how close this is to what you want as I don't use it at all?

Mo., 15.10.2012 - 08:44 Permalink

Screen Set is fine for misc widgets placed on your screen. It does not save other documents you have open.

The best way to keep your related stuff together is to place it  in a project folder on your hard drive.