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function or math in easy container/box for composing


a feature request :admire: but also an answer to (https://users.cognitone.com/node/1869)

I would be great to compose by laying down some boxes/containers one after the other on the time line, like the chords but one line per instrument

-Each container generating notes would have its own properties/variables for improvisation, accessible only by double clicking on it

-the lengh of the box is the duration of the solo or piece with the same parameters

-take into account the chords/scale/key above of course

-the only visible setting on the container would be a dice (=generate new harmony with current parameters inside) & a chest(=freeze the melody already created)

-the user would click on the dice or adjust the setting until he's happy with that piece, and then freeze it

-different kinds of boxes with differents color depending on the algorythm inside (completely random, based on intervals, more weighted notes or time ...)

-a later stage ... being able to have user coded boxes library

That would be very efficient for music creation, would permitt to develop, expand Synfire a lot by its users and would not -additional to all existing features- give always the same kind of style composing like Andre was fearing in the related post about RapidComposer.

Hope it helps, :P

Di., 28.09.2010 - 11:16 Permalink

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

Interestingly, the boxes you describe almost exactly do what containers are doing currently. The main difference is that current containers may contain parameters for multiple instruments.

There also is a Freeze function, although it is invoked per individual phrase.

We consider supporting algorithmic composition in the future. It's too early to make promises, though. The challenge with algorithms is to find a potent set of functions and modules that can be combined in many useful ways. Reaktor 5 is an excellent example of a well-designed set of synthesis components. Audio synthesis however is a much more simple domain than score/figure synthesis.

So., 03.10.2010 - 18:57 Permalink

We consider supporting algorithmic composition in the future. It's too early to make promises, though. The challenge with algorithms is to find a potent set of functions and modules that can be combined in many useful ways.

What about integrating a Lisp environnement into Synfire? Maybe in a same way like Processing is a specialized JAVA-Environnement for visuals (I don't like JAVA)? If one is not a programmer, like me, LISP-Syntax is very easy - so everybody could define his own set of functions.
And if there is a plattform to share with other users -- future will be great! :yeah:

;-) okay, I know, I'm a fanatic …

Havanicaweek: Minkepatt

So., 10.10.2010 - 01:45 Permalink

What about integrating a Lisp environnement into Synfire? Maybe in a same way like Processing is a specialized JAVA-Environnement for visuals (I don't like JAVA)? If one is not a programmer, like me, LISP-Syntax is very easy - so everybody could define his own set of functions.

This has long been a secret fantasy of mine; quit feeding off of my brainwaves. :)

Somewhat still on topic: My favorite newer language is Clojure. It is a LISP dialect that runs on the Java JVM, and has full interoperability with Java at the same time. Very cool "language of the future" sort of thing.

Mo., 11.10.2010 - 18:30 Permalink

[quote="keith_phillips"]Somewhat still on topic: My favorite newer language is Clojure.

Clojure rocks! It is unfortunate that it is so tightly coupled with the JVM though.