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Good Books?



Have you read this books and what do you think about them?

This books look very promising

Music and Emotion: Theory and Research


Classical Form: A Theory of Formal Functions for the Instrumental Music of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven

William E. Caplin


The first book is a book about have the brain and music work, second is more do get a deeper understanding of classical theory and styles and so on!

I hope you can help me!

Fr., 02.10.2009 - 15:05 Permalink

I haven't read the books you mentioned, so I can't say anything about them, although I think the first one sounds quite interesting from a scientific point of view.

Did you know the book Principles Of Orchestration by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov is available online including scores and music examples?


The book is also available at Amazon for a resonably low price.

Fr., 02.10.2009 - 15:16 Permalink

In my opinion a great way to learn about the relationship between music and emotion is to study movie scores. This is especially insightful, as many bad and inappropriate scores exist that demonstrate how even great music can ruin a film, because it doesn't support the mood and setting.

One bad example that comes to my mind is the movie "The Perfume" - IMO a very inappropriate, boring and cliché score that drowns the beautiful pictures in new-age-like indifferent mud and has no sense for contrast and drama. OTOH, when listening to the sound track without the pictures, it doesn't seem too bad (although 10 minutes are enough to convey everything that's in it and the rest is repetition).

Mi., 07.10.2009 - 22:40 Permalink

thx you andre for your input! yes i have seen Principles Of Orchestration..

I will think about movie scores how the relation to the another works together .