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Harmony Navigator standalone


I often take my laptop with me, and often I don't want to take my iLok with me, but I am unable to use Harmony Navigator. I upgraded to Synfire Pro a few years ago, and was wondering why I did not retain my standalone Harmony Navigator license?


Any ideas or suggestions? Sometimes I just visit friends and just want to explore harmony and don't want to use Synfire, so is it possible for me to still download and use Harmony Navigator standalone? That way I can free up one USB port.

Mo., 28.05.2012 - 10:08 Permalink

Upgrading a license replaces it with the new license.

Anyway, I added a HN2 NFR to your account. You have been the very first Early Bird and I'd like to say thank you.

Mo., 28.05.2012 - 12:55 Permalink

Thanks for that Andre, that was wonderful of you to do that for me. I'm going to download it now ;)


