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help, problem with ableton live+synfire racks


Thought I had this sussed, but guess when close to a deadline (tomorrow) things are always bound to break.


Got a track created in Synfire and Ableton. Private sounds held in drones in ableton, one of the drones is hosting a virus vst/hardware synth and the other korg wavestation (started out as massive), then I have some drums in ableton. The virus is multipart with multiple audio feeds piped to different audio tracks in live.

Everything was working great yesterday when I saved everything and quit. I saved the synfire project then the live project, but when I went to quit synfire it prompted to save again so I did. Live didnt have the option to resave as it wasnt 'dirty'.

Now when I load it all back up, synfire first, I am prompted to start the DAW and load the project. Unfortunately Synfire isnt recognising the drones in the ableton project, its looking for drones called DAW1 Live:02 and DAW1 Live:01 on host DAW1 Live. Not sure if this is of value or not but the drones have titles Cognitone Drone VST/Massive Bass and Cognitone Drone VST/Lead when you look at them in live. Anyway clicking the OK button repeats the error 3 or 4 times but then finally the dialog that lists the instruments that cant be found. I then get to see my project, but all instruments are yellow.

Trying  to drop down the Port dropdown only lists DAW1 Live:04 (-empty-) which i added yesterday but never used and I have the option to create a new port. If I do try to create a new port, it cant see the existing drones (with their vsts).

ive tried every combination of openning things in different orders but cant fix it/


Any suggestions? Things werent going well yesterday (head's in teh wrong place) so I might give up and start again but dont want this issue to repeat. Best would be how to fix it, but I'd live with how to stop it happening again.




Di., 09.10.2012 - 09:22 Permalink

Now when I load it all back up, synfire first

Always start DAW first! How is Synfire supposed to find your drones, when they are not online?

Di., 09.10.2012 - 14:47 Permalink

Hi Andre, I thought that was the reason for the prompt to start the daw and load the project up. In the past that's worked, just don't click the button till the daw and project have loaded. Then everything normally links up and turns green. The problem in this case is if you load the daw and project first, you never get that 'yes to try again, no to use the engine' prompt, you get a different ones repeated multiple times. Then you end up with everything looking ok in the daw, but synfire can't see those drones.

But on a similar idea should I have saved the daw file first? Is the daw project or file name used in synfire either directly or via the drones somehow? Why didn't the resave of synfire on close down not pickup on the change to the daw project?
Anyway I seem to have screwed that project up. I tried opening everything in the engine and transferring to a new daw project but found a problem that is not directly related to synfire......
I used the virus vst plug in that makes the hardware synth controllable like a soft synth. However you can only have one of these so when transferring from the engine to the daw there is a time when you are trying to have 2. The one in the daw just says there is another instance running, so i guess synfire couldnt complete its transfer correctly, but it did remove it from the engine. So that's something to watch out for in the future.
Just quit in frustration last night and went and played a game instead so don't know if after a reboot/restart of everything if it would have resolved itself.
I'm not too bothered about this project, lots of great ideas but none transferred from my head to my fingers. As I said in my first post, just don't want it to happen again so would like to know what mistakes I made.

Di., 09.10.2012 - 15:26 Permalink

Yes, usually its works both ways, like you say.

Synfire remembers the unique ID of each drone. Filename does not matter. When saving the Synfire arrangement, the drone contents get updated with a complete copy of the rendered project, so you can play it without Synfire. That's why you should alwas save Synfire first, then DAW.

The unique ID however is not changed, so I wonder what went wrong at your end.