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Looking For Suggestions


We are not happy with Drupal and want to move to a more modern community platform. We were yet unable to find a solution that includes the following components:

  1. Discussion (forum)
  2. Blog (news)
  3. Wiki (contributions)

A strong candidate for 1 is Discourse. WordPress is fine for 2. There are plenty options for a Wiki, too.  We would however much prefer an integrated solution, so we don't have to maintain three different packages, all with their own server requirements, backups and security implications.

Researching this costs a lot of time that we currently need for other priorities, but maybe some of you already know a solution that works? If you have any suggestion, please let us know.

Mo., 17.10.2022 - 21:23 Permalink

At the time when i rent a server at Keurig online hosting, at startup i could choose from a lot of applications to install on their server
But the same case was also at other webhosts when i rented there a  server  

Perhaps you can find there something ?

Mo., 17.10.2022 - 22:47 Permalink

Wordpress has plugins that extend its functionality to cover all of your requirements. Might not be free though to get the best ones that would support a consistant theme across them all.

Mo., 17.10.2022 - 22:57 Permalink

Yes, when i made a Wordpress website, there was much possible for functionality

Di., 18.10.2022 - 10:03 Permalink

WordPress is great for blog/news and maybe Wiki, but last time I checked it had no suitable forums.

Will check again. If there's a way to seamlessly merge it with Discourse, that might be it.

Di., 18.10.2022 - 13:35 Permalink

There is a plugin for discourse (probably more than one): 

WP Discourse

Some alternatives: (https://blog.hubspot.com/website/best-wordpress-forum-plugins)


Mi., 19.10.2022 - 11:46 Permalink

Not sure if you will get a good forum, blog and wiki if you are looking for ONE software. Maybe better to keep it separate.

Regarding wiki, I found something a while ago that I like very much as it works a bit different, more like books. And it looks very clean as well. It can also export the virtual books to PDFs.



Demo page to test: (https://demo.bookstackapp.com/books) user: admin@example.com password: password