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Losing Sound after Container > Make Room


This is hard to explain but I'll do my best.  I've attached a picture hoping it will make more sense.

Between bars 13 and 23, I've just done a 'Container > Make Room' operation and then I've inserted a new container (A).

Now when I play back, all sound suddenly stops (i.e. Piano, Drums and Vocals) at bar 11 and then continues with the Piano again (as expected) at bar 13 (the start of the new container).

So the result is there's no sound at all for 2 whole bars.  I'm sure there's a good reason for this, but I'm afraid I don't know what it is. 


Di., 28.10.2014 - 19:48 Permalink

The blue line in your picture indicates that you have the looping mode activated. Is it the same, if you switch looping off? I have experienced an a similar issue with the looping mode: One or two bars before the timeline enters a loop the sound stops.

Di., 28.10.2014 - 20:04 Permalink

I'm not completely sure because I've moved on from that position now!  However, the loop was only there because I had just marked that area for the container operation, I didn't mean for it to actually loop!

What I since found is that when I tried recording, the sound played fine, but maybe I had the looping off, I'm not sure.

So I just put the loop back on Container A and the sound has gone again!

So looks like it's a bug with the looping function.  Thanks Juergen!