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Microtonal music in Synfire


Is there a way to play microtonal scales in synfire? 

Di., 10.02.2015 - 21:45 Permalink

Yes and no. 

Synfire expects scales to repeat each octave and it assumes there are no more than 12 tones per octave. Pitch Class is a concept that is built on 12 instances per octave. This rules out scales with 17, 19 or more tones per octave. Although you are free to create and use scales with any number between 3 and 12 tones, and the chords you can build on that.

Synfire has no concept of alternate tunings (most MIDI equipment does not really support this), but of course, you can tune your instruments in any way you like. 

You can create and name chords using any intervals and build your custom harmony logic (only limited by the above constraint). There is not yet a way to rename notes. 

In order to make melodies and chords match an instrument's range, Synfire transposes them intelligently. This logic assumes that transposing by 12 steps is neutral with respect to Pitch Class. If your scales repeat every octave, it works fine with any tuning.