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More questions regarding Synfire Pro


Looping - I have trouble with looping, I can set it, works fine, but I don't know how to shut it off. I can't get it to 'unhighlite, I have to select another loop point.  What am I missing?


Merging 3 tracks - I imported a midi file with 3 voice harmony.  (Synfire broke divided them, did'nt it?). After some work, I wanted to merge them back together. I saw mention of track merge function in manual, but couldn't find it in program  

I opened each track one at a time into an editor, 'cut' went to 2nd track, used 'merge and paste', did again for 3rd track.  Was this the correct procedure, or am I missing something?



Fr., 04.03.2011 - 17:38 Permalink

To deselect a loop on the time ruler, double-click on it.

For merging tracks, Paste and Merge does what you want to do. It does not work with a whole phrase, though. Be sure you select the Figure parameter only (on the parameter block, or any portion of the vector), then Copy, then click into the target figure (deselect again, if you want to merge over the entire vector), the Paste and Merge -- viola.