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My newest track using Synfire


As I didn't find a suitable place for posting it, I start a new thread in this subforum. If it's improperly placed here please move it to a suitable location. This is my latest track with all prototyping/composing/arranging work done in MPS/Synfire. Synfire saved me a lot of time otherwise spent on entering all the variations and repetitions on the melodic lines and watching for correct harmony and made great work with my all to few creative ideas. I exported the rendered result to midi and imported it in Live where the instrumentation, refining and addition of drums was done. As I'm going to enter this track in a competition please don't publish the "secret link" or the music anywhere. The track is here: (http://soundcloud.com/hienergy/unfertiger-wettbewerbs-track/s:oh3f7) stay tuned HiEnergy

Di., 16.03.2010 - 20:46 Permalink

NICE... this song is a great showcase of Synfire! It shows that this tool can do a simple pop style, not just classical.

Di., 16.03.2010 - 20:50 Permalink

More to the point it shows the degree of range. From a very complex range Classical, soundtrack, Jazz etc to simple 4/4 progressions of pop, techno, ambient, etc.

Sa., 06.08.2011 - 17:15 Permalink

Ooops... double post... sorry.


I composed another tune with Synfire and entered it in a contest. The tune is here:

I hope you like the music.