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Nano2 keyboardcontroller works in Cubase 6.5 for 32 and 64 bit


I installed both version of Cubase 6.5 ( 32 and 64 bit ) and installed both version of  the KORG USB MIDI driver ( 32 and 64 bit )

Nano2 keyboard works in Cubase 32 bit and 64 bit without any problem.. right away when i loaded a instrument track with Halion 4 i can play with the nano2 keyboard and record ( what we try to achieve in Synfire Express now ) 

So where is the problem to configure the nano2 in SFE?

Di., 16.10.2012 - 14:27 Permalink

Don't try sharing the midi keyboard between cubase and synfire. If the midi port is in use by cubase it is unlikely to be available to synfire, but even if it is, you will probably create a midi feedback loop.

I thought you had the nano working with synfire before, just that you got no sound?

Di., 16.10.2012 - 14:56 Permalink


I thought you had the nano working with synfire before, just that you got no sound?

Yes , i got it working for 64 bit,  but after the advice of using both engines 32 and 64 bit.. it is not working anymore

I cannot reproduce this for now  easily this setup in SFE with a working nano2 when it works as it seems.

I cannot remember if i used it SFE together with Cubase 6.5, but as you study the latest video of Cognitone about harmonizing ..the DAW is open at the same time as SFE


So what to do if we cannot compose with Cubase and SFE atthe same time ?   


Di., 16.10.2012 - 16:47 Permalink

I have also the effect that the engines produce no sound when Cubase is open. Therefore, when Cubase is open you will need to use the drones instead of the engines. Start a Synfire drone in Cubase and host Halion there.

Di., 16.10.2012 - 17:13 Permalink


But @Juergen, better is to use the VSti inside SFE itself ( this advice is given by Cognitone itself ), so this must be fixed by Cognitone. 

Is the nanokeyboard issue related with the use of drones?

Note: the nano2 keyboard works in 32 /64 bit of Cubase ( ofcourse ), but is seems not to install on SFE ..

@Supertonic should do a test with the nano2 keyboard on a windows computer..is it already working ?


Di., 16.10.2012 - 17:43 Permalink

Some people are using a daw and engine with synfire and others cant get it to work, so it is more likely if it doesn't work its nothing cognitone can fix, it's caused by your choice of hardware, os and drivers.
If you want to use the note expression built into cubase and their vst, you will have to add that in cubase anyway. go with the drones. Using the engine really only makes sense if you aren't going to use a daw at that stage of the project (moving to a daw later) or for some shared or global instrument for previews and the like. Until recently it wasn't possible to record the output of the engine so it really was only of use for prototyping. It had to end up in a daw at some point to record it.

Di., 16.10.2012 - 17:45 Permalink

But @Juergen, better is to use the VSti inside SFE itself ( this advice is given by Cognitone itself ), so this must be fixed by Cognitone. 

Cognitone can't do anything in this regard, it's an issue of Windows and the ASIO driver. You can compose with Synfire and it's audio engines, but Cubase must be closed at this time, at least if you use Cubase with its standard ASIO driver. If you want to run Synfire and Cubase together you must use the drones instead of the engines. 

Di., 16.10.2012 - 18:00 Permalink

@Supertonic should do a test with the nano2 keyboard on a windows computer..is it already working ?

I cant get the nanoKEY working for DAW and Synfire at the same time. Either the DAW got it, or Synfire. Therefore, connect it to Cubase, if you use the drones, or connect it to Synfire, if you use the Engine. You can not run both at the same time.

This Windows audio is a mess.

Di., 16.10.2012 - 20:38 Permalink


Ok , this was probably the last big hurdle for me..to get SFE working with Cubase

- i use drones when i use SFE and Cubase together

- i can  use only one  keyboard  at the time with SFE and Cubase.

Stupid windows 7 professional 64 bit crap...perhaps i can use  a mac operatingsystem in windows ( probably not )