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New Drawing Modes/Brushes


I think that the capabilities of the application could be expanded in a new direction by adding special "brushes" such as:

Draw using:

Random Walk
Math Function
Wave File
Graph (XLS)
Any parameter series
Cellular Automata
Arpeggio from Chord/Harmony

also you could import an image that could be "traced"

All this might need a new palette or dialog to specify the properties of the various types of brushes.

You could play the Dow Jones Industrial average in 1999 in Eb minor :)

Fr., 08.05.2009 - 15:27 Permalink

[quote]You could play the Dow Jones Industrial average in 1999 in Eb minor
You could also play your own genetic sequence. I remember doing this years ago and was quite disappointed from my unmusical nature :lol:

We have plans for supporting this sort of thing in future versions, but at this time we need to focus on more urgent projects.

There are quite a few experimental tools out there that support all sorts of conversion to MIDI data. You could use these and import that into Synfire to have it create figures for you.
