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New rack in Synfire with 64 slots all set for midichannel 1


It is unworkable to use a Halion 5 rack with say 16 sounds in Synfire
In Cubase i can add a track as Halion 5  instrumenttrack on midi channels 1 and suppose i add 64 instrumenttracks more ..the sounds stay on midi channel 1

This focus on midi channel 1 is important , because the midi keyboard has his focus on midi channel 1
When i should go to instrumentchannel in Cubase 10..it has midichannel 1
In Cubase i can route to the mixer and add a reverb to the masterbus, but also make instrumentgroups and add there a reverb

In Synfire this is not possible ..i am forced in the rack to assign midichannels 1 to 16 
The Halion5 Rack has 64 soundslots , so it is easy to use one rack with a 4 connecter device description
I can make 4 racks out one Halion5 ..and use the mixer in Halion 5 for reverb in Synfire (thats good !,like in Cubase)
But the trouble is now that i do have for 4 racks with midi channels 1 to 16 and in the arrangementscreen of Synfire, i end up with 64 instument tracks : four of them are on midi channel 1

It is for composing much handier to have all instumenttracks on midichannel 1 in Synfire: right away recording
It is too much work to chance all the time the instrumenttracks to midi channel 1 for the midi keyboard.

In Cubase it is possible to use the reverb (mixer) and all instrumentchannels (unlimited) on midichannel 1 to get quick recordings without hassle of chancing midichannel numbering..on the other hand in Synfire with one 4 racks i do get  a max of 64 sounds for one instance of Halion5 and the reverb on the mixer and get only 4 midichannel 1 and the hassle of midichannel numbering changes all the time for composing recording ( this is unworkable in Synfire)
With more then 64 sounds in Synfire i do get more mixers too in HAlion5.

In Synfire i can add for every midichannel 1 a rack , but i don;t now how to get the audiooutput of the racks to masterbus with the reverb i do use in Halion5 or Cubase ?
I do get 64 instances of HAlion 5 with 64 mixers for reverb

I do want use HALion5 in Synfire with max of 64 sounds on the mixer, but all 64 sounds must be set on midi channel 1 ( that is not possible now in Synfire)

Is it possible to add a new rack in Synfire where it is possible to set the midi input ( midi keyboard) on midichannel 1 for all 64 sounds in Halion 5 ? 

I need a rack with 64 midichannels 1 in Synfire Bild entfernt.

Is this possible to build such a rack (composing rack), or do i overlook it in Synfire and is it possible to set all instrumentchannels on midi channel 1 to get a easy midi keyboard focus for recording ? 









Di., 27.12.2016 - 11:01 Permalink

No worries. The midi channel is really not of much importance, because MIDI Through will change it to any channel your currently selected sound might have. No need to change the channel on your keyboard hardware. Once you select an instrument, all live input is directed to that plug-in and channel.

Di., 27.12.2016 - 15:41 Permalink

Thanks.. i don't have to worry about this anymore..i solved it ..see text hereunder

I don't get the wanted setup in Synfire working, because in a rack filled with 16 midichannels sounds  ..i can't get focus with the midi keyboard to record something on instrumenttrack 2 with the assigned sound on midi channel 2..strange
This must be possible ofcourse...i use HAlion 5 with 16 sounds ..up to 64 sounds

If it is question of set on the Midi trough option for the keyboard in Synfire ?..its by default on.. i see  
Has it something to do with Halion5.?

I think i solved the problem : "probe" all the racksounds for Halion5 ( no sounds selection is needed in HAlion 5)
Now i get the keyboard focus on instrument track 1 and 2 as test 
All the time puzzling about this in the wanted setup in Synfire why it is not working and now within 5 minutes solved..

Because Cubase uses instrumenttracks it assigns Halion racks too, but all input is on midichannel 1 for the instrumenttracks
Its even better to have for all sounds a own midichannel like in Synfire ..no doubling sounds occur and to look for     



Di., 27.12.2016 - 19:28 Permalink

Sounds very good now in HALION5 the Halion symphonic orchestra to start with..