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Paste to fill selection


Hey all,


just came up with a simple but I guess pretty powerful workflow idea.


"Paste-merge to fill selection":


Basically what this should do is, when copying something from the library

(or from the SF arrangement itself)

and we have an area marked, it should paste-merge (or maybe also *trim*)

copies of the phrase just to the selected area.


Given the design philosophy from SF this would tie in pretty well with it

and I am sure would become a very often used and powerful workflow tool.


What do you think?







So., 20.07.2014 - 19:42 Permalink

Have you tried Edit >> Paste & Merge

Dropping a phrase from the library while you hold ALT also places it into the existing phrase without adding new space (although the previous content is replaced).

So., 20.07.2014 - 20:55 Permalink

Yes, I did. Paste & merge is useful, thats why I came up with the "Paste-merge to fill selection" Idea in general.


Becasue when I just want to add something in a specific place of the phrase,


things get more complicated however.

Especially if the imported phrase is longer than the

phrase I want to paste it into.


Anyways, doesnt matter, was just an idea for increased speed.







Mo., 21.07.2014 - 10:19 Permalink

Yes, I get the idea.

The only way to achieve this now is to trim the phrase before doing a Paste & Merge.

I have no concerns adding an item Paste & Merge & Trim that's enabled only if a span selection exists.

Mo., 21.07.2014 - 12:01 Permalink

That would be great, as I love to work with that function (for Audio Editing)

in Pro Tools all the time. You would see how faster this little thing

makes editing, no matter what you edit.



