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please how to make accompany styles



I have trying very hard to make my own accompany files but cannot seem to get anything other than a monophonic line that will not follow chords.

I have created a simple groove in ableton live (triad) them import into accomp window but all I get is a mono line.

can someone please post a simple rundown of how to create your own styles please.

there seems to be a post just below this but sadly it was changed to german and the translation doesn't work very well.


Mo., 23.02.2009 - 15:00 Permalink

Hi Mattt,

HN 1.6.1 doesn't have the full pattern recognition that Synfire has (and no phrase editor), hence the import capabilities are very limited. If can only import melodies, bass lines, drum patterns and such. The main purpose for import and recording is to get a vocal melody into the harmonizer to have HN find the appropriate chords.

There is a trick, however, to make HN think a track is monophonic: When creating the midi file, be sure the individual notes of each chord are offset a little from each other (i.e. strummed) and do not apply quantization during the import.

Concerning your imported melody that refuses to follow chords: You must use the target format "Linear" for Melody Encoding. You probably have used "Static Pitch" by accident.


Mo., 23.02.2009 - 15:19 Permalink

ahh I see

I thought the idea was you record/import a midi groove and have HN use those patterns with chords.. damn. :cry:

so the phrases are locked in HN and we can only use the supplied phrases ? how did they get there.. do you have some in house import tool that is private ?

synfire looks great but overkill for me, and tbh the price is way out of my range.

so we have no way of making our own grooves and phrases in HN ?

that would be disappointing .

Hi Mattt,

HN 1.6.1 doesn't have the full pattern recognition that Synfire has (and no phrase editor), hence the import capabilities are very limited. If can only import melodies, bass lines, drum patterns and such. The main purpose for import and recording is to get a vocal melody into the harmonizer to have HN find the appropriate chords.

There is a trick, however, to make HN think a track is monophonic: When creating the midi file, be sure the individual notes of each chord are offset a little from each other (i.e. strummed) and do not apply quantization during the import.

Concerning your imported melody that refuses to follow chords: You must use the target format "Linear" for Melody Encoding. You probably have used "Static Pitch" by accident.


Mo., 23.02.2009 - 15:33 Permalink

Hi Matt,

do you have some in house import tool that is private?

We use Synfire to do that. I however understand that Synfire is overkill for what you want to do, but you might want to wait for HN2. Things have much improved since the 1.6.1 release.

[quote]so we have no way of making our own grooves and phrases in HN?
To a certain extent, it is doable. Try the polyphony trick mentioned above for chords and import your patterns track by track.


Mo., 23.02.2009 - 15:42 Permalink


I am not sure I understood what you mean by this, is there any tutorial on how to import patterns into HN1x ?

it seems HN will more geared towards personal patterns.

any ETA on this release ?

all the best

[quote]so we have no way of making our own grooves and phrases in HN?

To a certain extent, it is doable. Try the polyphony trick mentioned above for chords and import your patterns track by track.
