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Schillinger 2 Generator Driven Factories


Add factories driven by Schillinger 2 generator interference and allow in UI to select portions (often symmetrical nature is unwanted).

Include techniques like fractioning.

As the interference leads to integer sequence, those may be translated into different types of factories: step probably the most obvious one, but almost all may be driven by integer. 

Di., 11.04.2023 - 17:47 Permalink

Matthew Rankin wrote an interesting paper "A Computer Model for the Schillinger System of Musical Composition (2012)". 

Quote: "In a nutshell, his (Schillinger's) method for melodic generation is to develop an abstract melodic contour, superimpose a rhythmic pattern and pitch-scale on the contour to obtain a melodic fragment, and then concatenate various manipulations of the fragment into a larger melodic composition with characteristics of musical form. "

This is basically what Synfire already does:

  1. Melodic contour = Figure segments
  2. Superimpose rhythmic pattern = Step parameter (the grid you use, or a Factory generates)
  3. Superimpose pitch scale = Harmonic context
  4. Manipulations = Various transformations on any parameters