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"Span Multiple Sections"


On page 53 of the HN2 manual it describest the settings for importing a SMF. There is a check box at the top right of the import window, 'Span Multiple Sections,' which is not described and I cannot find it anywhere in the manual (or on 'Google!').


Could someone kindly explain this, please?



Mi., 19.09.2012 - 14:17 Permalink

A phrase that is longer than your currently selected section will be divided and added to the current and also following sections.

Normally the phrase would end playing where your sections ends.

Mi., 19.09.2012 - 19:38 Permalink

Aha! Makes perfect sense. It also suggests a clever way to manipulate importing phrases by adjusting the length/ size of the section to which they are being imported.


Thank you, SuperTonic.

