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Synfire is a gift.


thanks Cognitone! The ability to express what words cannot through music is the essence of the human experience. Last night was one of those moments when the depths of despair almost choked my creativity until i fired up SFP. https://soundcloud.com/dude-ranch/sunday-night-extreme

Sa., 15.11.2014 - 19:04 Permalink

Oh thanks :-)

Is it you playing a real guitar or a sampler? If so, which one? Sounds great.

Sa., 15.11.2014 - 20:15 Permalink


Its all played using a m-audio keystation into Ableton using Lounge Lizard, Omnisphere, and Orange Tree samples core bass pear. Processed using UAD Teletronix LA-2A, Pultec, Emt 140, Ampex ATR 102, 1176, and CS1, and Waves Bass rider. With just Abletons limiter on the master. Mastered using  Izotope Ozone 6 with a warm transparent setting and tweeks.  

Just got a Ableton Push but havnt used it with synfire yet. should be fun. 


So., 16.11.2014 - 00:48 Permalink

 using Lounge Lizard, Omnisphere, and Orange Tree samples core bass pear. Processed using UAD Teletronix LA-2A, Pultec, Emt 140, Ampex ATR 102, 1176, and CS1, and Waves Bass rider

It's great how everything's so simple these days :clueless: