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Synfire Pro 2.2.2 - Patch 1


A new patch is online for immediate download into the running application. It fixes several issues with MIDI file batch import.

  1. Keep last used drum kit sound for all files
  2. Improve sound estimation from track data
  3. Import all tracks for drums regardless of content size
  4. Use filename for pool if merge all tracks
  5. Process batch import files alphabetically
  6. Fixed issues with skipped or duplicate files imports
  7. Fixed crashes when aborting batch import

This an immediate Pro patch only. Express and Sparks editions will have these improvements included with the next update.

Fr., 14.07.2023 - 19:39 Permalink

Another patch was uploaded. 

It fixes an annoying delay with playback, mostly in the library, caused by super slow computation of the Auto-Pedal associated with some Interpretations.

Playback should now start faster even for very long takes and figures.

Sa., 22.07.2023 - 20:11 Permalink

Try again after a restart of Synfire. If it still aborts, check the error message.