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Turn off phrase variations


The problem is that my short 4 bars melody (horizontal scale) slightly varies with each new loop, although I have frozen the phrase. The harmony is also looped in another container. The root container does not include any harmony.

What other things can be the cause for these variations ?


So., 01.03.2015 - 11:52 Permalink

The variation of the phrase may be caused by the voice leading interaction between different instruments. Synfire does not render each instrument on its own but also takes into account what the other instruments do. You can check if you get a different result if you uncheck the checkbox "Cooperative" at the settings of the parameter "Interpretation".

Freezing did not help here because Synfire renders the phrase with all influencing factors before freezing. So you freezed the phrase including its variations. 

What you could do is to use only the first 4 bars of the freezed phrase and loop that. This should give the desired result.


So., 01.03.2015 - 12:46 Permalink

@juergen: it worked: first freeze the 4 bar melody and then stretch the container to loop it...Thanks