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Using a Sketch with Private Plugins only




I made a small demo using only private plugins (no plugins in the shared rack). When I make a sketch of the container and open a suitable pallet, no sound/music is generated.


Therefore, does a sketch only work with the instruments from the shared rack?



Now it does work, but it automatically creates copies of the private plugins, which are used by the sketch??? So this effectively doubles the number of plugins.


Is it supposed to work this way?




P.S. I'm reallllyyyy looking forward to the upcoming update. After all this time the shared rack, device descriptions, instruments, private plugins....man.....still difficult to wrap my head around

Mo., 05.08.2013 - 22:04 Permalink

Now it does work, but it automatically creates copies of the private plugins, which are used by the sketch??? So this effectively doubles the number of plugins.


Is it supposed to work this way?


Yes, I'd say that's normal. The sketches are supposed to work independently of the arrangements. So, you could close the arrangement and the sketch would still work. This is only possible if the sketch has its own private plugins. 


Di., 06.08.2013 - 00:45 Permalink


Can you please explain to me how do you use the combo arrangements in Synfire pro? Everytime I click I do not see that arrangement in any window.

I like to use them for quick sound tests with my melodies.

Thanks :admire:

Mi., 07.08.2013 - 04:33 Permalink

Thank you Soundcase. You are right is not complicated. I will try it again. I truly appreciate you sharing your knowledge.


Di., 26.08.2014 - 12:26 Permalink

Is there an option to disable a sketch loading the same private plugins again (so in total the private plugins are loaded into the engine twice)?


Otherwise it might be a good suggestion for implementation.

Di., 26.08.2014 - 16:09 Permalink

Good idea, however extremely difficult to implement. That would need some form of counting the references to a particular rack module, so it will be unloaded when no Sketch uses it anymore.

Better use a global rack for this. You can save as many different racks you need.

Do., 28.08.2014 - 15:56 Permalink

thanks, also for clarifying that it's not as easy as putting a tick box somewhere.


Maybe an idea then to add an option 'make local sketch' or ' make private sketch' to the Containers menu? One which cannot be saved?

Fr., 29.08.2014 - 09:45 Permalink

Yeah, it would be nice to run a Sketch inside an arrangement that is comprised only of the arrangement's sounds. That Sketch could be killed when the arrangement closes.

I put this on the list.

Fr., 29.08.2014 - 14:26 Permalink

thank you.


I forgot to respond to/elaborate on this:

Better use a global rack for this. You can save as many different racks you need.


Yes, I know and this is/was sort of a work-around right now. However, the drawback is that the global racks get floaded with many one-off (global) device descriptions over time (some of these global device descriptions might only be relevant to one arrangement where I was exploring different/new instruments/plugins etc), as the global device descriptions are 'global-global' (as that they are not confined to one global rack, but available to all global racks).




So., 31.08.2014 - 22:24 Permalink



Maybe you could then also have a look at:


You already noticed it: Synfire can't make a Sketch if there is no Engine to host a copy of the arrangement's DAW rack.


(quoted from https://users.cognitone.com/content/make-sketch-greyed-out)


This is actually quite limiting when using a DAW as engine and Synfire as a MIDI-generator (a very good one, off couse :-) ). I found myself having to load the cognitone engine (next to the DAW) (and it can acutally be empty), and then the sketch will work through the DAW... (i'm using loopMIDI virtual midi cables)


Isn't a generated sketch's output therefore not merely midi data? If so, why not make it engine independant? (which it actually allready is, as long as you run the cognitone engine useless in the background)?

Mo., 01.09.2014 - 20:49 Permalink

Isn't a generated sketch's output therefore not merely midi data?

MIDI data plus a destination to sent it to.

The destination is a moving target, because it changes when another arrange window comes to the front.

If a Sketch could be made a part of an arrangement (sharing sounds), it would no longer be playable when another arrangement comes to front. Probably not an issue. I'll think about it.


P.S: Interesting finding you have there. Didn't know it would work this way ...

Mo., 01.09.2014 - 21:27 Permalink

I appreciate that the sketches work independently from the arrangements. I use the sketches that I have generated over time as a sort of library. At least those sketches that are based on sounds of global racks should remain independent from arrangements.