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What instruments ( number and name) are playing in a container ?


When i use Yamaha styles, those styles uses easily 14 instruments or 16 ( max)

Its is unworkable to me that it is not possible to see how many instruments actually are playing in the container (songsections).


This must be improved.. a absurd situation as you ask me as it now is.


A minor question is further :

Further i like also to collapse or open the instruments in one row altogether. 

The idea is to post less by me ( only functional0 , but for the moment unavoidable


And post for fun, because in the end it is all about fun and pleasure to make music  :lol:

Do., 24.01.2013 - 02:55 Permalink

There is an option...... m. Towards the right side just above the parameter section, if you click that it will minimise all instruments tat have no figures in the container. If you also have the option on ( think it is by default? ) that puts a blue line above the containers that are the active ones. I generally just watch the root container ( which I always leave empty of figures ) as tat shows me what figures and instruments are actually playing.
Another way to see which instruments are paying is to click on the mixer tab...

Do., 24.01.2013 - 10:19 Permalink



I import a yamaha style and it shows the rootcontainer and section containers

When i click on the sections always the phrases are opened .. i like to close this in one click, because with 14 instruments and 15 sections it is undoingable to do this one by one by hand

The option m ..yes ofcourse..it is not lit ..so i cannot see if it is applied?
I do have here songsection without phrase ( figure not assigned ) ..nothing happens when i click on  m further ?

So it still stays unclear what instruments are playing this section ..if i can close the phrases and can see what instruments are playing in the songsection ?
There must be added a VISUAL SIGN in the instrument view after when i collaps the phrases in one click in this songsection(container) : what instruments are playing in this songsection must be easy to see by me.
It seems to me a good improvement for the instrument management overview.  


I can now not see what instruments are involved in the arrangement when i build this op from yamaha songstyles
And if i drag the songsection to the library it will be filled with all 14 instruments, while there are 8 do actual have a  phrase.
So if those phrases in the songsections can be labelled in the library ..empty or not ..than it is easier to use
this buildingblocks.


I hope this will be improved in the near future it is now not good working





Do., 24.01.2013 - 11:34 Permalink

You can collapse or open all instruments with a single click if you hold down the CTRL key (Mac: Command) while clicking on the small triangle.