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Drag stringed chords


This is not at all urgent but I though I'd just throw it out there.

It would be cool to be able to drag/copy chords from the stringed instrument window into a figure. This would be very useful for quickly mocking up realistic chords for a particular instrument.

For instance a basic open E chord on guitar would be EBEG#BE in ascending order.

This would be especially useful for prototyping parts for unusual tunings or creating parts that sound as if they were composed on an instrument with a peculiar tuning.

Tue, 2009-07-28 - 23:34 Permalink

Add to this a "Strum" parameter (maybe with a humanizer or variation with random seed so the strum isn't too mechanical) and this could be really cool.

Edit: Had some other idea for fingerpicking but it wouldn't be too useful. You'd want to pick some stuff at the same time, not always in a sequence.

Wed, 2009-07-29 - 02:52 Permalink

That would be a nice feaure to see tucked into the segment properties (at the bottom, by Full Chord Reset Normal etc) So it could be used in any context.

A stochastic rake of penguin samples!

Perhaps a parameter could control the random properties (jitter speed direction) so strumming parameters could be controlled by values in different containers

Sat, 2009-09-12 - 00:41 Permalink


Then the arp could lock to the notes the chord plays, and make a very realitic guitar playing.

I actually thought Synfire could already do this, but I guess I was wrong.


Wed, 2015-02-04 - 20:28 Permalink

any chance there is a way to drag/drop phrases to different instrrumetns. if not please Andre?