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recording midi from Synfire in Logic


Can't seem to record the channel midi data. Have the channel splitter working well in the environment and sending to each software instrument in the arrange respectively. But when I hit pause and record in Logic and then run Synfire, so the rewire snyc triggers Logic to begin recording, I , get no midi region created. Any suggestions? Luke

Wed, 2009-10-28 - 07:31 Permalink

I read somewhere you can't. I know it is something to do with going through the sequencer input object but it seems after the channel splitter you can only connect each channel output stream to a specific VSTi. I have no problem recording MIDI data when each individual IAC is connected direct to the sequence input. Hope there is a solution?

Wed, 2009-10-28 - 11:47 Permalink

IIRC, you might need to wire the splitted midi to "Sequencer Input" in order to be able to record it. Also be sure you arm the tracks correctly. I'm not 100% sure, though. I will ask Christian to check this.

Fri, 2009-11-06 - 03:48 Permalink

Seems when you extend the wire to the sequencer input, after you've control clicked and routed to the the correct software instrument via the splitter, it breaks that route and just sends the channel output into the sequencer input again. And the track has to be armed to get input just like it would without the channel splitter object. Definitely checked to make sure I've armed the tracks correctly.