In general how does the container work.
I notice I create a new container I can snapshot that is copied to the new container.
But now let's say I change stuff in the main building container. - It seems to change all midi across the board when I go to copy to smaller containers...
I gather the idea is to make a good groove and then use pause to take bring sounds in.
From each container then I can tweak and custom change midi / harmony--> and it wont affect other containers. (Just NOT tweak the main building container)
Is that correct?
Any comments on how you use containers... thanks
Mon, 2016-02-01 - 08:45 Permalink
I gather the idea is to make a good groove and then use pause to take bring sounds in.
Yes, that's one possible workflow. For music that builds mainly on one or two grooves, it's probably the best.
From each container then I can tweak and custom change midi / harmony--> and it wont affect other containers. (Just NOT tweak the main building container) Is that correct?
Yes. Although you would not change MIDI direcly: Synfire will render different MIDI from your changed parameters.
I notice I create a new container I can snapshot that is copied to the new container.
You should mainly do that to consolidate heavy edits, or preserve an entire section as it currently is.
Keep in mind that a container may hold any parameters, global or local to a particular instrument. Not just Figure. You can, for example, use containers for Harmony only. or for Velocity.