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global instruments drone output?


is there a way to have the individual global instuments and select a drone that outputs into my daw for sounds?


Sat, 2013-11-16 - 16:50 Permalink

You can do that, but I would not recommend it. The global instruments would no longer be global, since they are tied to a specific DAW project.

If you do so, you should create and save a global rack with each new DAW project. That will keep your sounds together.

This is how to host global instruments in a DAW:

  1. Add one or more drones to the DAW.
  2. On the Global Rack, select the DAW host and press "+", then pick a drone.
  3. Load a plug-in and select or craete a device, pick a preset, etc.
  4. On the "Global Instruments" tab, pick from that new module's sounds as needed.
  5. Save the rack.
  6. Save the DAW file.

When you open your project, first open the DAW file, then load the associated global rack file, then the arrangement.