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Playing Ranges change on Key Switches


I'm trying to set up a template for the EWQL Fab Four instrument.  Many of the guitars change playing ranges when certain key switches are employed.

For example, the main playing range is C1-G4, but for one of the 'Slide' key switches, it changes to F1-G4.  It's even narrower on some of the switches, e.g. the '4ths' switch changes the range to D2-D3.

I can't think of an easy way round this, other than creating user-patches for each switch that has a different playing range but that is extremely time-consuming.

Unless I've overlooked something, would it be possible to allow different playing ranges against each key switch if necessary?  Or is there an easier method?

Tue, 2014-01-14 - 10:28 Permalink

The playing ranges are a fixed property per sound. If you need an articulation with a different playing range, you can duplicate the sound at the plugin end on a new channel and mirror that in Synfire.

As far as I remember, most articulations with a significantly different range are effects sort of articulations anyway (key noise, slides, scratches). You would probably not use them for melodic or tonal phrases anyway. 

Wed, 2014-01-15 - 00:13 Permalink

OK, I understand what you're saying and thought that would be the answer.

However, are you saying slide keyswitches (and for that matter, pitch bends) can't be used with Synfire?  I haven't tried it yet but I can't see how either would work because I'd have thought the 'slide-to' or 'pitch-bend-to' note is the target note, but I imagine Synfire interprets the 'from' note in the phrase and assumes that is the target?

What I mean is, if I want to slide or bend up from a C to a D (and the chord is D Major), will Synfire slide from a D to an E?  I'll try it as soon as I can but I'd be interested in your response in the meantime.

Sat, 2014-01-18 - 16:07 Permalink

Synfire assumes that notes do not change pitch over time. Slides that slide toward the notated pitch may work. Slides that depart from the notated pitch will not work.

In general, the use of key switches with Synfire make most sense for different ways to play a sound. The pitch should not be affected too much, or it will likely break the composition.