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in the figures, can we have the text that recalls the choosed articulation (case of a keyswitch) on figure ? Or a specific layer ?

Sat, 2015-03-07 - 20:51 Permalink

Yes, some sort of indication woul be useful. Noted this on the list, thanks.

Sun, 2015-03-08 - 20:28 Permalink

This is a fantastic update!


There appears to be many new features which I am noticing just by nplaying around.


Is there someway to copy a figure form one instrument into the precise same position on another instrument?

I am sure there is but not figuring it out.


Another question, I wanted to harmonize a phrase  between two isnstruments. Can I drop and drag the transpose paremeter onto just the phrase I want to transpose? So far, when I have tried this I wind up transposing the whole instrument.


Cannot wait for Andre's tutorial viseo(s) {hint} on the new update! Magnificent!

Sun, 2015-03-08 - 20:44 Permalink

Also confused about the Duplicate function. I cannot figure out how to dupliucate a phrase in a linear sequence . When I press command D I get a duplicate phrase superimposed over the original. Trying to duplicate the phrase in a linear sequence and then driop in variations . What do I need to do to get the duplicate function working in a linear time sequence?


I am sure this is simple as well! In Studio One the Cmd D function does exactly what I am trying to do in Synfire, generates a linear sequence of duplicates of the phrase selected.

Tue, 2015-03-10 - 20:39 Permalink

Instead of Duplicate, use the Span tool.

Select a span, copy it, then place a gap selection (thin vertical bar) at the desired location, and paste.