Just wondering if it would be possible to add a like button to the forum, so people can 'like' a post. This could then be coupled with a 'most popular posts' view. Together these would be a great way of accessing some really great comunual knowledge that tends to get lost in the forum.
I was thinking about this after Andre replied to a post about gaining a high level view of song. His solution is really great, available now without any changes and will be introduced into my workflow. If I hadnt been following the forum post or had me a new user and joined the forums later, I would have missed this bit of wisdom.
Just by adding a like button and most popular post view, ideas like this that people find useful and like, would naturally gravitate to the popular posts view.
The only problem I see is how to deal with posts becoming obsolete, maybe the likes could degrade over time so older posts that are no longer gaining likes would eventually fade into obscurity.
Sun, 2017-02-12 - 21:33 Permalink
Absolutely. This is one of the reasons why forums don't work well as a knowledge respository. That's also why we added the other sections to this site, which admittedly could need some more polishing.
To be honest, until this question came up, I didn't know this overview existed, too!
One of the cool things with Synfire is it can do so many things that you only get aware of once you need them. Unfortunately, you don't even know that you need them, until after someone pointed it out ;-)
A Like button would in deed be nice. I'll have a look if there is such a plug-in for Drupal.
Tue, 2017-02-14 - 19:08 Permalink
A quick search gave this one: (https://www.drupal.org/project/like_dislike)
No idea if it properly serves the purpose, though.