When the External Sync to the Rewire Synfire Drone is enabled, all sound stops.
Here's what I have so far:
An arrangement, a full song structure in Synfire, ready for some real guitar tracking.
Synfire's rack is setup with a Kontakt (legit, full version, up-to-date) instance with a few instruments. (4 instruments, again, all licensed)
I relocated the internal rack to a drone in Reaper. The drone has it's own track.
The Reaper instance also has a Rewire Synfire Transport in a dedicated track.
Both above tracks are armed and monitoring.
In Synfire, when the external sync is OFF, the project plays through the relocated rack, i.e. the drone in Reaper. Sounds great!!! .. but no Transport activity.
Again in Synfire, when the external sync is set to the Rewire Tranpsort Sync, it correctly finds the Transport loaded in Reaper, however, when I hit play, there's no sound. The transport seems to work, since it plays and stops. Unfortuntaly, there's no sound.
I tried, restarting Reaper, then Synfire. I poked around a bit, but no joy.
Anybody have any insight?
Mon, 2019-07-22 - 18:14 Permalink
I have a few more questions, all related.
First thanks for verifying! This specific project's harmony and tempo are fine, so I'm not anticipating on-the-fly changes with Synfire, so the MIDI output is all that was needed.
First question, which is slightly off track.
Will Cognitone be releasing, fresh, re-vamped videos and marketing material? .. or are you waiting for version 2.0 for a big push? I'm only asking out of curiosity , since it would be nice to see some fanfare on YouTube and what not.
Anyways, back to the daw integration thing.
For future projects, as far as DAW integration, what would you recommend?
(This list here seems a bit old:
Do you have enough customers using Reaper that this is something you'll look into for a patch? Not a big deal if your focus is elsewhere, I understand development priorities. I can wait a few months.
Do you believe this to be out of Cognitone's control, i.e. something with Reaper?
Has this worked with an older version of Reaper? (I noticed that there is a "32" variant of the Rewire Transport, did Synfire's 32 bit engine work with that Transport plugin?)
Although you would never dissuade anybody from using Reaper, obviously, is there a DAW on Windows that isn't Cubase I could try? (I'm not a techno person, so Reason and Ableton are out for me.) Cubase needs a dongle, and worst case, I'll get one, but how about Harrison Mixbus? Any luck with that one?
A quick reality check shows me that since Synfire is more expensive than Reaper it's a higher priority, so if I need to swap out my DAW, so be it.
That's it!
Thank you.
BTW, My productivity with Synfire finally jumped through the roof. Hands down THE BEST prototyping software on the market, by far. The music is real, and inspired. Synfire is indispensable. I can't see myself not using it.
Mon, 2019-07-22 - 20:37 Permalink
Fortunately this was a bug that is fixed already (just a minute ago). Thanks for reporting it! An update will be available soon.
Reaper is a low cost and very light weight DAW. We use it as one of several DAWs (ProTools, Logic X, Cubase, Reaper, Studio One among them) for testing Synfire's compatibility.
We will be publishing new videos and everything for 2.0, but there might come a few 1.10 videos before that.
My productivity with Synfire finally jumped through the roof. Hands down THE BEST prototyping software on the market, by far. The music is real, and inspired. Synfire is indispensable. I can't see myself not using it.
Thanks! Much appreciated feedback.