Hi, I have looked on a new plugin call reMIDI, it is a plugin how can generate midi files from pre recorded midi files. The plugin can be link with another plugin Scaler.
Is it anybody how any experience ot the plugin and how it can be used with Synfire?
Sat, 2021-05-29 - 19:35 Permalink
It is not possible (in Ableton /Cubase etc.) with *one* Scaler instance and a chord progression/ scale set up, to control the notes of *multiple* tracks and still have the tracks play individual sounds ? You would need as much scaler instances as there are tracks, right ?
Sat, 2021-05-29 - 23:13 Permalink
In Cubase there is a chord track and scaler 2 can be tempo synced with Cubase
Scaler is loaded in a track in Cubase and suppose you choose a particular key in scaler then you get some chords from this scale
These chords can be tempo synced in Cubase ( if on this option in scaler)
The chord track in Cubase can now play these chords
How scaler 2 is working with Synfire ?