![Profile picture for user andre](/sites/default/files/styles/avatar/public/avatars/picture-1102-1673266400.png?itok=gbqu1Snt)
Snippets offer a new way of improvised composing and experimentation. Some DAWs offer a similar feature, however their content is static and can't be transformed in real-time in such dramatic ways. We like to hear about your experiences, so we can improve documentation and smooth out any edges.
Sat, 2022-04-23 - 23:15 Permalink
There's a not-so-obvious gem to be found here:
Make Snippets From Arrangment
Try that with your existing arrangements and then have fun with the snippets. Of course, the shorter your phrases, the more snippets you get to play around with. Always obey the First Law of Prototyping: Keep phrases short!
Be sure to drop some progression on the Harmony outlet to use as the default harmony.
Sun, 2022-04-24 - 21:13 Permalink
Be sure you open the snippets grid view on the Structure page (grid icon on toolbar). You can then select containers (structure view) or snippets (snippet grid). Whatever you selected last gets the focus and shows up in the track sheet.
It should be possible to record a phrase in a snippet directly (double-click on a grid slot to create an empty snippet). You can also record phrases in the arrangement and drop them on the snippets grid later.
Sun, 2022-04-24 - 21:33 Permalink
The options menu: Make Arrangement From Session. (screenshot above)
Here's a description of the task: Recording Snippets
Mon, 2022-05-02 - 06:16 Permalink
I played around with the snippets page some today. When I discovered that you can drop various harmonies into the grid view and the armed one gets used, I was absolutely amazed.
I have some usability concerns with the page:
1. If I arm a few snippets and hit play, then arm more while playing, it seems that the snippets are out of sync. That is, the newly playing one starts from the beginning, instead of where it would be "in the mix".
2. When I hit stop, all the snippets get disarmed. I think they should remain armed, so I can hit play and hear them from the beginning again. There's already a button to clear all armings, so there's no need to do that on stop.
3. It would be nice to be able to rename the A-E buttons. Also, the current right-click/left-click save/load interface to those buttons is... odd? It's quite easy to clear one accidentally.
4. If I have the green link icon enabled when I drag items from a phrase pool, then I disable the link, those snippets' instruments seem to be locked it to whatever instrument was in the structure view at the time of dragging. If I try to change the instrument after that, it changes it for all snippets that I did this to, even if they are in different rows.
5. I should be able to select the instrument for a row before it contains any snippets, and it should be the default for new snippets in that row.
6. It would be nice to create a phrase pool with many figures, then drag the entire phrase pool into a row and have each of those figures become a snippet on that row. For example, you generate 8 melodies, 8 basslines, etc, then you can quickly hit the randomize arm button to try many combinations. Currently, I can only do this a single snippet at a time.
7. I don't know why this happens, but I get asked what instrument I should use in snippet view a lot more than I should. For example, a figure uses the global piano when I click on it in the library, and when I drag it into snippet view, I see "no instrument for acoustic piano, please select one". But, it was just playing the piano fine, so...? It doesn't seem consistent though, sometimes it works fine. As mentioned in #5, a default would be good.
8. I understand that a row can be a mixture of instruments. You might want a French horn snippet and a Cello snippet, and never have them play at the same time. However, this is a pretty confusing feature. Things might simplify a lot if each row is just one instrument.
9. Is it possible to move the "last session" into a container instead of the main arrangement in structure view? I wasn't too sure. I could see it being very useful to generate new containers with each session you come up with on the snippets tab. (Perhaps from the A-E buttons)
10. The help mentions putting parameters into snippets view. I tried this with a velocity parameter snippet, but it seemed to have no effect. Does it go on the same row as a playing instrument? Maybe I just misunderstood what it meant.
Anyway, it's very interesting as is. I think it could be a bit easier to use though.
Mon, 2022-05-02 - 11:57 Permalink
Is there a video for working with this snippets ?
No idea what you are explaining here.
I give a tip for better explaining : imagine to explain this for someone who is totally new to Synfire and see this for the first time.
Problem also is that it is a explanation for mac users and windows users
Example : There's a not-so-obvious gem to be found here:
Make Snippets From Arrangment
See a screenshot ? : says nothing
Try that with your existing arrangements and then have fun with the snippets. : ?
Be sure to drop some progression on the Harmony outlet to use as the default harmony. ?
For me: i cannot do something with this information...
Mon, 2022-05-02 - 12:09 Permalink
Thanks for the detailed feedback!
the newly playing one starts from the beginning
This is intended behavior, because snippets often have different lengths. What you suggest is a mute/unmute function. I get how this would be intuitive from a DJ perspective (provided all snippets have the same length), but it would also be very static. The console is probably a better place to mute/unmute running snippets. That said, a switch to toggle this behavior maybe nice to have.
When I hit stop, all the snippets get disarmed
Good point.
A-E buttons
This is very basic currently. There is much room for improvement.
drag items from a phrase pool
It is assumed you want the instrument/sound you are currently hearing when the phrase is previewed. So, if the green link is active, it's that of the selected track on the console. If the link is disabled, it's that of the library. It works the same in the arrangement btw.
I should be able to select the instrument for a row before it contains any snippets
A row doesn't have an instrument assigned. It looks into all its snippets to see if there is a single instrument or many. Simply drop a first snippet and that'll be its instrument. If you drop a phrase for a different instrument, you decide whether to merge them or keep the different instruments.
I get that snippets for multiple instruments can be confusing at first, but they are very powerful. Imagine a snippet that changes Step for a number of instruments, or a snippet that contains a part with many instruments playing together to achieve some effect. Compared to what Live, BitWig and Logic are confined to, this introduces a fourth and fifth dimension. After all, Synfire is a tool for composing music, less so a DJ console.
drag the entire phrase pool into a row and have each of those figures become a snippet
Go ahead. Try dropping a phrase pool on the row header.
Is it possible to move the "last session" into a container
Good point. Will check.
The help mentions putting parameters into snippets view. I tried this with a velocity parameter snippet, but it seemed to have no effect
Will check. Basically you need an extra row for that, otherwise a Velocity snippet will replace the current snippet for that instrument. You however want it to play in addition.
There is huge potential with Snippets for the future. This is just the beginning.
Mon, 2022-05-02 - 12:18 Permalink
For me: i cannot do something with this information
Yes, it is a huge challenge to do this right. Explain too much and nobody will read it or even find it anymore. Explain too little and many users will scratch their heads. If we had a step-by-step list for every concievable task, we'd have 1,500+ pages to maintain and translate.
Thanks for the examples. This kind of feedback is very useful.
EDIT: Regarding my forum post: Just try it. You'll see what happens.
Mon, 2022-05-02 - 15:53 Permalink
Janamdo, I plan on creating a video around my experiences learning snippets for the first time. I can post a link here when it's complete.
Andre, thanks for the answers. While I understand the concept behind "play newly armed snippets from the start", there's no way to then record the timings of those armings and then put them into the arrangement. I guess a user could just move the figure in time to where they think they armed it. I agree, it gets odd when the snippets are lengths that aren't multiples of each other. Where would you start the newly armed snippet if it's 2/3 the length of other snippets? I don't know!
For the velocity parameter test, I did exactly that. Put it in a one row while drums were playing in another. The drums just kept on hitting with their original velocity. Perhaps, does the drum figure need to lack a velocity parameter for this to work?
Also, multiple instruments per row. I guess my issue here is that every snippet I add to the row adds two popups to the screen. Which instrument? And also, "move phrase to instrument X or create group"? I'll try dragging an entire phrase pool into a row though. If that works without a bunch of questions, then this isn't much of an issue anymore.