I use Stylus RMX as sound generator for percussive sound a lot. Its basically a sampler which triggers samples at the transient for a given rhythmic pattern.
It offers MIDI export (either via file or drab drop), where each MIDI encodes nicely the groove other instruments should adhere to. The length of each MIDI note is representing a rhyhmic length, while the note encodes which sample to play.
Stylus RMX has a lot of interesting human funky, non-straight grooves which I want to use for my compositions. Using RMX and Synfire for those does fail as Synfire assumes straight feel, unless its told to do different.
How do I set parameters in Synfire Pro 2 to make other instrument tracks get into the groove of the master imorted MIDI of Stylus RMX drum pattern ?
Can I somehow import the groove and then freeze the swing-like feel across all instruments?
Sat, 2022-05-14 - 22:44 Permalink
Nice coincidence that you bring this up now. The next update will have much improved Figure -> Rhythm conversion, which is what you need.
Basically you
- Merge all drum instruments into a single track (can do that with the import)
- Right-click in Rhythm in the imported phrase and do Extract From Figure
- Grab that Rhythm and, for example, move it to the Global Parameters of a container so all instruments will follow it.
You could also just drop the Figure on any Rhythm outlet. As said, the next update will improve the quality of the rhythm a lot, but you can make yourself familiar with the procedure already.
Sun, 2022-05-15 - 11:50 Permalink
Also written in manual :
Global parameter types like Harmony, Scheme or Tempo always go here, no matter whether you drop them on a Container, a Parameter View or a Track (instrument name).
Still, you may also put other non-global parameter types here, like Step, Length, Velocity, Volume and many more, sometimes to dramatic effect. => how to do that ?
Similar with rhythm ?
- Grab that Rhythm and, for example, move it to the Global Parameters of a container so all instruments will follow it. ?