Hi. Something changed: with SF2 there is only one quantize function which also does the length ot a note.
I was not able to figure out, how to quantize only the position.
How to do that now?
Thu, 2022-10-13 - 17:14 Permalink
This was simplified because quantizing positions without lengths rarely makes sense. You would suddenly get new overlapping notes, or overlaps turning into gaps seemingly at random.
The rationale is that you have either overlapping voices and chords, or melodies w/o overlaps. In both cases it's natural to also quantize note durations and snap them to the rhythm grid. That's how notation works and any style of music benefits from that.
(In the screenshot, by the way, you notice the graphics glitches on the menu at 125% DPI scaling on Windows)
Thu, 2022-10-13 - 19:59 Permalink
Staccato is an articulation of an 1/8 note, not its duration. What you suggest would be 1/16 note plus 1/16 rest (for example).
You can quantize to 1/16, or whatever is the shortest grid you want for the lengths.
I agree this is not trivial and there are many ways quantize could work. Quantizing positions in isolation however is problematic (what to do with the lengths? How to deal with overlaps that come and go randomly?)
Thu, 2022-10-13 - 20:08 Permalink
Yes, staccato is an articulation. And Wikipedia defines it as follows:Staccato ([stakˈkaːto]; Italian for "detached") is a form of musical articulation. In modern notation, it signifies a note of shortened duration.
Just saying :)
Thu, 2022-10-13 - 20:19 Permalink
The piece I did in the DAW - so I imported it and did SF2 quantization. See the result in attachment.
Ok, now I am suprised. That is not what I assumed. In my first try, I recorded into SF2 directly and did not understand why it changes the length of the notes.
But by the way, in the past SF1 you handled both quantization things separatly - looks like you found a way.
Ok however, I will give it a try and will see what this means for me in real projects.
Thu, 2022-10-13 - 20:33 Permalink
You can quantize to 1/16, or whatever is the shortest grid you want for the lengths.
Yes, I can quantize to 1/16, but why should I do that if I want to quantize the positions to 1/8. Makes no sense, does it? The example of @AndreasHe is also very revealing after all. That is surely not what he wanted to achieve.
I agree this is not trivial and there are many ways quantize could work. Quantizing positions in isolation however is problematic (what to do with the lengths? How to deal with overlaps that come and go randomly?)
That's why you get a whole bunch of quantization options at a DAW. Quantize only starting points, only end points, both of them, only note length, ...
I'm guessing that this quantize button also needs such a little arrow to provide some secret options :)
Thu, 2022-10-13 - 20:35 Permalink
As said, it's not trivial. What's clear though is that quantizing either positions or lengths in isolation leads to odd results.
If you have a good idea how to automatically determine the grid for lengths based on the grid for positions, let me know.
Thu, 2022-10-13 - 21:28 Permalink
Hmm, my DAW (S1) quantizes by default just the position. The length I adjust per hand if required. So far that was always fine for me.
I have no experience with SF1 regarding quantization and I wonder what odd result could be there?
Andre, don't take the complains to personal. We all love your incredible work. Regarding quantization it just looks like a step back than forward, as there was already a separated one in SF1. But after the import of midi and run the quantization, I see there is more magic going on, which I still did not completely understand. So maybe you invested more thoughts on that already, than we do.