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Old music made with Synfire 1


promising day van janamdo (

Century van janamdo (

There is more :) 

New Begin van janamdo (

HarpPianoBallad van janamdo (


Its all not focussed on particular style, but more what could i do with the start music then..


Musiic only be possible made  by Synfire

Sun, 2022-10-23 - 13:29 Permalink

Most of the compositions were created via the technique of "slip composing" in Synfire.

It means that you slip containers on top of each other in such a way that you get the desired musical "transition".

Definitely worth trying  to be more structured composing with "slip composing." 

The song : new beginning I just made spontaneously to attract attention :) 


I made this song with MUX vst and am going to do more with this synth again because of its good sound quality  


Sun, 2022-10-23 - 15:59 Permalink there a easy way to get the conrtroller data from the MUX vst plugin into the snippets matrix?

Map midi controller 

Sun, 2022-10-23 - 19:47 Permalink

Have here a synth snippet of 4 bars and below it I want to put a snippet that as an exercise changes the octave in each measure of the synth..