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Vienna Ensemble Pro as plugin or as external MIDI instrument?

Sat, 2024-09-07 - 14:58 Permalink

I'm now putting my VEPS's strings instance into my Global Rack. I thought I did the same thing, and it works, but there are differences between their Global Device Descriptions that I don't understand:

  1. Programs is different between Orchestral Strings and woodwinds. Strings is empty, and when I try to add something manually, I get a dialog box telling me there needs to be at least one dynamic channel. I don't understand that.
  2. Properties>Model (Plug in) differs
  3. Properties>Version (Instance) differs

What did I miss?

Sat, 2024-09-07 - 15:07 Permalink

VEP woodwinds is wrong. It has programs that dont belong there (VEP cannot select programs dynamically). The sounds need to be fixed on the channels and variants tab.

Sat, 2024-09-07 - 16:08 Permalink

Does this have a connection to when I right click on the Device Descriptions column to create a new device and choosing between "16-Channel Multiple Programs (Multi-Timbral)" and  "Fixed Channels (Sampler)"?

Sun, 2024-09-08 - 00:35 Permalink

Then I'm still not sure what you mean by  "woodwinds is wrong. It has programs that dont belong there" because I thought I did that correctly: Fixed Channels for both woodwinds and strings. Their Properties tabs indicate "fixed channels" in the summary boxes screenshotted above, yet they still differ in the three ways mentioned above:

  1. Programs is different between Orchestral Strings and woodwinds. Strings is empty, and when I try to add something manually, I get a dialog box telling me there needs to be at least one dynamic channel. I don't understand that.
  2. Properties>Model (Plug in) differs
  3. Properties>Version (Instance) differs

Here are additional screenshots of their Channels tabs:

ADDED LATER: I should also mention that when I created woodwinds, the "generic" box was checked. Later I unchecked it and put it in a different folder, but you can still see the note "Created by Global Rack for ad-hoc use, lacking a more specific device description. You can make this device description permanent by unchecking the Generic switch and moving it to a more suitable folder," which no longer makes sense. When I created Orchestral Strings, the "generic" box was not checked. It got filed under "Synthesizers," but I moved it. I wonder if the differences between the two devices' Properties are related to the original state of the "generic" box in some sort of glitch?

Mon, 2024-09-09 - 19:33 Permalink

I get a dialog box telling me there needs to be at least one dynamic channel. I don't understand that.

Programs can be switched dynamically on the same channel. You don't have those with VSL. So don't add any programs to the device. Add fixed channels and setup the sound properties on the Channels tab.

While it is possible to create a device that has both fixed and dynamic channels this is rare. Rule of thumb: Synths that can switch patches use a dynamic channel. Sound libraries and samplers that keep the same sound per channel use fixed channels.

The generic switch is to inform you that a device was created by the wizard. You may or may not want to edit them manually and turn off that switch so the highlighting goes away.

The text info is a log. New info gets appended not replaced.