i want to create lush jazzy chords for Neo soul tracks, will this help me create lush chord progressions and stabby funky chords ??
Fri, 2009-03-06 - 17:52 Permalink
You can open palettes, try out different chords and drag those you like to your progression and further tweak them there (if you want). The progression is editable and can be saved or exported as midi file. Did you check out the demo?
Fri, 2009-03-06 - 18:08 Permalink
ive downloaded the demo but not installed it as yet,
is it limited ?? doesnt let you export midi or something ?
i know this wont create exactly what i want but at least i can see all chords in any given scale and start to contruct my own progessions,
maybe be helpful to move them around in midi once its been exported