Hey Andre,
I gotta tip my hat to you, very very remarkable piece of software, got to be at the bleeding edge of composition and technology. I'm just getting comfortable with it after few days of your videos and by simply exploring. Helped having the HN knowledge before I jumped in I think. I've realized the endless possibilities and chance compositions that await me, well 20 more days of endless possibilties. Exciting.
Anyway, to the question, is there anyway to select like a certain type of symbol individually, i.e. the bass component in the phrase editor (of a phrase that contains chord symbols and others too) and be able to extract certain measures or the whole of just that component type.
Thanks, Luke.
Thu, 2009-08-20 - 16:05 Permalink
Anyway, to the question, is there anyway to select like a certain type of symbol individually, i.e. the bass component
choose the segments with the lasso, and then doppelclick on the symbols you want in the symbolslist (in the middle of the top of the page), and you get all symbols changed to the ones you clicked.
More refined, choose segments, => vector => choose symbols.
The symbols which are clicked on in the symbols list are choosen now. When you click another symbol, all choosen symbols are changed to the new typ.
So you can choose any typ of symbols and change it to any other one, without chaning the rest.
Very useful thing.
You´r second question I don´t know.
Fri, 2009-08-21 - 02:51 Permalink
Thanks guys, appreciate it, just what I wanted to know and it works like a charm. Having so much fun with Synfire, so much so I'm considering taking out another student loan or selling a kidney. I think it's worth it. Very educational too.