Thanks in advance........Can Harmony Navigator do any of these things:
1. I select 1 chord or play 1 chord and then it suggests a long list of popular chord progressions starting with that chord and it lets me hear how they sound?
2. Can i drag my midi chord progression out of HN and into my DAW instead of having to export it and import it into my daw?
3. If i click out a chord progression does HN have the option to automatically make that chord progression lead into each chord well? Another words it will use inversions of certain chords to make them more smoothly lead into the next chord of the progression?
Fri, 2011-02-11 - 19:38 Permalink
Re 1: Although HN does contain assorted example progressions, it does not feature a complete catalog of popular progressions. You can find those everywhere on the Internet, often along with song title and lyrics, which, IMO, is more helpful and instructive than a huge collection of naked chords. You can type in all chords by name, so it is possible to enter any progression you found on the net.
There is a palette coloring scheme that indicates the most likely "next chord" based on popular progression statistics. You can play around with that to work out your own progressions.
Also the first chord of a progression does not necessarily tell anything about the progression as a whole. In popular music, most progressions are designed to work as an endless loop, i.e. as sort of a seamless tile. The most emphasized chords often is the second or third chord (depends on the rhythm), while the first one takes the role of an upbeat.
Re 2: There is currently no DAW supporting this direct data exchange between apps (although it often works with midi files dragged off the computer desktop), but we have it on our radar and will attempt to come up with a solution when possible.
Re 3: Yes. The built-in voice leading is designed to do exactly that.
If you have any more questions, let us know.
Sat, 2011-02-12 - 20:04 Permalink
Andre thanks so much for the response. So the built in voice leading...is there just a checkbox i can click for that to enable it? How does that work? Also how does the color suggestion pallette thing work? Thanks much in advance for your time.
Sun, 2011-02-13 - 19:35 Permalink
The voice leading is on by default. You don't need to enable it.
WIth the latest update 2.1.1, if you want specific chord inversions, you can select them using the 1,2,3,4,5 keys. This will override the automatic voice leading for that chord.
Here's a video that shows how palette coloring works:
Wed, 2011-02-16 - 04:38 Permalink
Hey Andre thanks so much for all the help. Everytime i try to watch that video the audio breaks in and out rapidly making it impossible to watch...any clue why this is? Is there a mirror place i could watch the video?
EDIT woops just realized i could download it...thanks!
EDIT 2: Wow!!! I'm starting to really understand the possibilities with HN2...really awesome. I'm going to DL the demo now and try it out. Thanks so much again Andre.