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Purchase or Download More Patterns for Harmony Navigator 2 AE?




One aspect about HN2 that I really like is the ability to come up with a chord progression & then apply one of the pre-set patterns to that progression (both for single instrument parts or for multiple instruments). Whilst I understand that in Synfire one has the ability to create new patterns, my understanding is that within HN2 this is not the case & therefore the HN2 user is constrained to just the pre-sets that come installed. I have checked the forum site & I cannot see any new or additional patterns that can be downloaded. Any plans to create new patterns for HN2? Have you thought about maybe creating & marketing HN2 additional pattern "packs" for purchase?


Just a suggestion, but I would love the ability to use new patterns within HN2 & would gladly pay for them.




Wed, 2011-08-17 - 19:17 Permalink

You can import a MIDI-file and use it as a pattern. You can also play a pattern on your keyboard. This way you can create your own patterns. It works at HN2 advanced. Only with HN2 LE you can not create own patterns.  

Wed, 2011-08-17 - 21:12 Permalink



Thanks for letting me know - that's great. I didn't know that could be done, so I played around a bit with HN2 & succeeded in importing a small midi file which now shows within the Playback menu (& also within the Basis menu for the Song window). However, what is now confusing me is how to get this midi file to show within the "Premanufactured Examples" which are associated with the Figure (this is within the Instruments & Parameters menu). Those Premanufactured Examples are different than those shown within the Playback menu & it is adding to those examples that I had originally hoped could be achieved. One of the reasons why those Premanufactured Examples are so useful is that each can be previewed on the piano roll.


Anyway of adding a midi to those Premanufactured Examples?




Wed, 2011-08-17 - 21:19 Permalink

Hi Again,


Right! Got it! So one can't add to the Premanufactured Examples, but that doesn't matter becuase instead create a new instrument with a blank Figure, go to Phrase menu, then press Import......import the midi file & now I see that midi file as my Figure (complete with piano roll preview of what that midi file looks like).


Thanks for all the help & feedback :-))



Thu, 2011-08-18 - 09:47 Permalink

It is also possible to use the existing patterns in a new phrase ... you drag the pattern to the" figure" parameter of the instrument

So you can use the existting pattern in een new accompaniment  

All existing pattern (premanufacterd examples) can be reused


Also possible to drag the pattern to the thumbnail of the  figure parameter(vector)