I briefly remember seeing a color wheel one can use. (can't find it again). Can I use this techniqe to color the containers?. The present colors are so similar, I can barely tell the difference. Bright colored containers, would make it a lot easier to keep track of things..
Tue, 2012-01-03 - 12:54 Permalink
would make it a lot easier to keep track of things..
You can try to work with songsections: intro -verse, chorus, etc or with other songsectionnames to get a general structure view
In these songsections you put your containers with instruments phrases and even inside this songsection container you can use again a container for splitting the songsection structure again.
It seems to me a general principle to set up a arrangement on this a videotuturial would be helpful
Example Intro songsection and than divide this in 2 songsections again
You can collapse these songsections with the solid triangle to see their content and hide the content
So say you hide all content of the songsections than you see only the structure of the song written on the song section containers
Perhaps i idea to give these songsections different colors too