In HN2 there were the basissketches...are they also in Synfyre Express present ?
Mon, 2012-10-08 - 00:19 Permalink
No. The Basis Sketch is a simplification for replacing the root container's phrases. You can do that with Synfire directly.
You can turn any sketch into a new arrangement using File >> Convert >> Open As Arrangement from the Sketch editor.
Mon, 2012-10-08 - 00:59 Permalink
The patterns itself are still there (Playback >> Arpeggios, ...Basic Guitar, ...Basic Piano, ...). To use them you must select one of them and thereafter execute Playback >> Edit Current Sketch. This opens the Sketch (Mixer) window where you can play and edit the sketch. If you then want to have this sketch in an arrangement you can execute the command that supertonic has mentioned (File >> Convert >> Open as arrangement).
Mon, 2012-10-08 - 19:54 Permalink
first select the part in time line that you want to play as sketch,
then click to "Container" in main menu and choose "New Container"
now you'll get a new container in the selection area
right click to this new container and choose make snapshot first and then again right click and choose make sketch
this is how i work
i hope it helps.