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+Orchestral stabs+


I originally sent this to Andre but he didn't get back to me so i'm going to post it here as I think it would be a good idea to figure out a way to implement this or something like it....



Synfire could easily become a music production
beast with a bit of extra MIDI control. Look at the palette of chords
in SFP. I clicked on them with my mouse and the first thing I thought
of was- 'It would be cool to be able to trigger those chords by MPC pads or
Maschine pads. It would be awesome to set up orchestral stabs in SFP by
assigning different instruments to 16 channels and then being able to
trigger all 16 channels by tapping one pad on an MPC, for example.
From there you could move chromatically from pad to pad or switch to
different chords. IN THEORY it would be a really cool way to prototype
big orchestral stabs which are paramount when creating realistic scores.



Sat, 2012-11-10 - 10:34 Permalink


+1 for better midi control.
In my opinion, midi control or the lack of it, is some of Synfires weakest points. The way you manually have to set it up, instead of midi learn or automap and limited to only a few custom CCs at the same time. Cognitone needs to rethink how and where to implement midi control and CCs so that Synfire can be a modern music app throughout the hole program. It would also be nice to see Midi to QWERTY Macro.

Sat, 2012-11-10 - 11:09 Permalink

Why not support a cheap controller like the novation launchpad and make a similar function with the palette as Ableton live session view and Launchpad? (The red square)

Sat, 2012-11-10 - 15:27 Permalink

I have been thinking about this for a while. i have been exporting and converting to audio and then using the audio in maschine or ableton. what if SFP had a phrase sampler that you could drag phrases in and trigger from a midi keyboard. the palette could also be midi assigned. probably very difficult to make a phrase sampler that could change harmony in real time and capture the results. 

Sun, 2012-11-11 - 12:47 Permalink

Being able to 'midi learn' a pad (or kbd) to chord pallette, would indeed be helpful..  It's sloppy and hard to quickly hit the right chord playing live with a mouse. 


You could preset a lot of chords and then easily audition them, before settling on the perfect chord progression..

Sun, 2012-11-11 - 14:02 Permalink
It's sloppy and hard to quickly hit the right chord playing live with a mouse. 
When I'm exploring chord progressions I use a tablet PC (Asus EP121). I works great and is really fun to play the chord palettes with the fingers.  

Sun, 2012-11-11 - 14:51 Permalink

i do have the nanopad 2 Korg controller .. cheap ..and probably also to use for chords playing :thumbsup:

Sun, 2012-11-11 - 19:36 Permalink

why stop with just palette chords? Imagine being able to trigger chords, inversions, phrases. SFP + phrase sampler would

vastly improve composition time. 





Wed, 2012-12-19 - 15:05 Permalink

hi there, i've discovered synfire yesterday, amazing piece of software, but i find getting a midi-controller to do what i want within the program a real pain in the ass, especially when you compare it with the keyboard and midi-mapping in let's say, ableton live. I know the novation launchpad is open source, so basically someone with the programming skills can do nice stuff with a launchpad and a program.... (hint, hint)  I really like how numerology works with the launchpad, they,ve completely redesigned the controller to make it work just with numerology. If synfire had this type of launchpad/midi support it would be the bomb....

Fri, 2012-12-21 - 23:11 Permalink

Rather than having to get another external midi controller.  It would be nice if there was a feature on the chord pallette, to assign a midi keynote (from a keyboard) to temporarily play any prechosen chords.  I really don't want to invest in additional MIDI controllers. 

Sat, 2012-12-22 - 01:41 Permalink

If that is what you want, you should really check the free ableton live/max4live plugin from Henrik Schwarz called; "Schwarzonator" it does just that. With one keystroke it adds 2 to 3 notes within a given chord setting, which is really cool. Especially if you play with other musicians, because you can never hit a wrong note and you're all playing within the given chord-setting. 

Tue, 2013-01-08 - 22:22 Permalink


Thanks soundcase to your information.

I knew pizmidi midi pack (are great )but midi chords i never used.

Janamdo,Fent said :

Synfire could easily become a music production
beast with a bit of extra MIDI control. Look at the palette of chords
in SFP. I clicked on them with my mouse and the first thing I thought
of was- 'It would be cool to be able to trigger those chords by MPC pads or
Maschine pads.

When you create a nice progression you can assign each chord of them into one key of the keyboard and play it with one finger and you can create a new chord progression alternate them and you can arpeggiate them in many ways,is an amazing plugin.I purchased yesterday and is very creative

Read the manual and see the video that i linked in my last post



Wed, 2013-01-09 - 00:31 Permalink


Janamdo,inside Synfire i have not tried as instrument vst inserted.

You need to export your progression as midi file and import it into Cthulhu.

I insert Cthulhu in Ableton (you in Cubase...I know you janamdo....)

Is perfect for live performance,you can launch the chord progression that you create with synfire palette,is similar that you will launch the synfire palette chords with Novation pad or Akai APC 40 instead you launch them with your keyboard,each key of your keyboard launch one chord.

Cthulhu is inspired in Schwarzonator 2 maxforlive,is a evolution with more functions


Wed, 2013-01-09 - 00:49 Permalink

Cognitone has not made it possible yet to use this Vst midi plug in Synfire
Than you can route the output of this midi Vst to a Vstiinstrument  input in Synfire for recording phrases


Or do i miss something ?