I appreciate when SFP exports a midi file, it also exports chord symbols (as meta events)?
I always want to see the name of chords used when using Logic.. A tragic flaw that Logic has is in the way it displays chords.. Hand entering them is a truly tedious task. You can have Logic analyze a chord track make meta events of the chord names. The problem is Logic always creates a transposition track, (made to use with apple loops). The "use for display only feature" is and has been broken for many years. You must select 'no transposition' for each instrument. However if you cut/paste sections around the tranpositions screw up the song. The song quickly degenerates into a mess of conflicting chords
Logic itself can export a track with chord meta symbols, but if you import back into another Logic song. The chord symbols disappear.. I spent several hours today reading in Logic forums about meta events. but no answer..
My question is; what meta type # does SFP use in it's export.. I can inport a SFP file into Logic and the chords always display properly.
Fri, 2013-03-29 - 23:27 Permalink
Then it's an issue of how Logic interprets text events. It will import any SFP text and any Band in a box text, yet will not interpret it's own midi files with text in them.. They have 2 or 3 meta event number for text, yet none of them seem to be able to be exported/re-imported back in.. They are just dropped from the file...
Not gonna hold my breath for Apple to fix that... Thanx though.. As a work around I export Logic's 'chord' track into SFP, copy to progression, export it.. Then import back into Logic - now I have the chords all neatlly lined up in score editor.. Don't think Andre had that in mind when writing SFP.