I have extended the Library of Sketches (the list of sketches under the "Playback" menu) by a number of own sketches. But I'm not entirely happy about the way how these sketches are integrated into the software.
To test, for example, which of the sketches works best in the context of an arrangement, I'd like to have a simple way to assign a sketch to a specific container of the arrangement. To achieve this, I currently must do the following steps:
1. Select the Sketch,
2. Execute the command "Edit Current Sketch",
3. In the Sketch window select the command "File >> Convert >> Open as Arrangement",
4. In this newly opened arrangement now I copy the root container into the clipboard via CTRL_C;
5. Select the target arrangement and the target container;
6. Paste the clipboard via Ctrl_V, which...
7. ...opens the window "Paste Imported Container" where I can do the assignments for the target instruments.
If I'm not satisfied with the result and want to try it with another sketch then I have to do the whole thing again. Isn't it possible to simplify this procedure a bit?
I would imagine that we could drag and drop the sketches into the arrangement which then would open the "Paste Imported Container" window directly. Or a new command "Paste sketch into selected container" (which again would open the "Paste Imported Container" window). This would reduce the number of necessary working steps from 7 to 3.
Sa., 05.12.2015 - 18:02 Permalink
Good suggestion, thanks.
Although sketches are actually intended to be used the other way round: As a means to play a portion of the current arrangement live in the palette. The sketch editor is very rudimentary only.
Maybe instead of using sketches for this workflow, it would be more logical to store containers in libraries. Currently this is not possible, because a library can't store sound racks.
I often feel tempted to drag a container to a library, to keep a backup or copy of it. Currently this will add a folder with all phrases of the container. The sound rack information is lost.
Sa., 05.12.2015 - 19:32 Permalink
Although sketches are actually intended to be used the other way round: As a means to play a portion of the current arrangement live in the palette. The sketch editor is very rudimentary only.
Sure, and that's the way I am using the sketches most of the time. But what I am doing right now could be called a "Band-in-a-box-workflow": Trying out different accompaniments (which ones was the name of the sketches ) for a given melody. Since the regular library can not be used for this workflow I see no other way than to use the sketches.
Maybe instead of using sketches for this workflow, it would be more logical to store containers in libraries. Currently this is not possible, because a library can't store sound racks.
Absolutely, that would be perfectly reasonable. The libraries lack this functionality anyway.
Sa., 05.12.2015 - 21:49 Permalink
Yep. That workflow is what HN2 users can enjoy: Pull sketches from a menu and keep their melody and harmony.
Loading a sketch involves replacing rack modules and plug-ins. A somewhat destructive way to test out a different "accompaniment". In a simple multi-timbral GM Synth environment, it's easy to handle. In Synfire's full blown audio racks, not so much.
Sa., 05.12.2015 - 22:11 Permalink
Yep. That workflow is what HN2 users can enjoy: Pull sketches from a menu and keep their melody and harmony.
Aaah, yes, I forgot about that. I can use the "HN2 mode" of Synfire (Song window). Just tried it out and it works exactly the way I wanted. But in the song window there is the limitation on 8 instruments
. Wouldn't it be relatively easy to implement, to transfer this behavior into the Arrangement window?
Loading a sketch involves replacing rack modules and plug-ins.
Not, if you use only one common Global Rack for arrangements and sketches as I do.